The following description is from
the 1897 edition of the "Illustrated Towns of England Business Review of
Presto Gear Case and Components Company Limited,
Frederick Street.
The Presto Gear Case and Components Company, Limited, recently known
as The Presto Gear Case Company, is in the enjoyment of such favour from
the cycling public, as to have necessitated the formation of a limited
company to enable them to satisfactorily cope with the increasing demand
for their gear cases and component parts, which are well-known and
eagerly sought after throughout the whole extent of cycledom.
Contemporary with the formation of the new Company, large works have
been erected and equipped on a scale and in a manner calculated to in
every way fulfil the requirements which may be brought to hear upon this
highly-popular firm. Perhaps the best-known production of this firm is
the "Presto" gear case (Bate's patent, 1381), a gear case combines all
the advantages of others, whilst it is free from any one of their
various defects. The most, notable advantages of this gear case are
perfect fit (they are easily fitted by two screws only, are detachable
at will, the chain and chain wheels are accessible at any moment,
secures freedom from vibration, does not reverberate the sound of the
running chain, is dust-proof, and does not look unsightly. Surely these
are commendations which must force themselves upon all lovers of the
"wheel" and it these numerous advantages which have secured for the
"Presto" gear case manufacturers such world-wide popularity. In addition
to this the Presto Gear Case and Components Company, Limited,
manufacture, cycle accessories of every description, the quality and
make of which secure for them a rapidly increasing demand. They are
agents for Dunlop, Warwick, Beeston and Clincher tyres, and keep large
stocks of steel balls, tube nipples, etc.. To attain such pre-eminence
necessitates judicious and skilful management, considerable experience
and tact, coupled with a practical knowledge of the requirements of the
trade and their patrons, and it is to their thorough conception of the
foregoing that the Presto Gear Case and Components Company, Limited, owe
their great popularity. At their works in Frederick Street, a large
number of hands are busily engaged in the manufacture of these cases and
accessories, and this firm is an important factor among the industrial
community of the township. A firm which has such a hold upon public
favour as is enjoyed by the one under present review, is bound not only
to sustain its present position, but to make a great headway