E. F. Allen and Sons, Royal Music Saloons, 63 Queen Street.

An establishment which commends itself in no small degree to the music-loving public of Wolverhampton and the vicinity, is that of Messrs. E. F. Allen and Sons. This well-known and highly-popular firm has been before the public for upwards of half-a-century, and the able and energetic manner in which, during this long period, the business has been conducted, reflects the highest credit upon the principals. At the chief establishment of the firm, 63 Queen Street, a huge stock of musical instruments is always maintained, the cosmopolitan nature of which gives to their numerous patrons a very wide choice.

Their Queen Street establishment is a very handsome one, comprising a shop of large dimensions with one good window, which shows to advantage the high class nature of the instruments. Messrs. E. F. Allen and Sons are the sole agents for the celebrated pianoforte makers, Bechstein, Hopkinson, Ibach, Chappell, Challen, Rogers, Eavestaff, etc., and organs by such well-known houses as Estey, Karn, Clough and Warren, Bell, Smith, Mason and Hamlin, Kimball, Thomas, etc. Messrs. Allen and Sons' new style 18, a piano in Chippendale mahogany, is an instrument possessing artistic design, a rich and pure tone, perfect touch, and of the best workmanship. In this instrument obtains all the qualities which distinguish a really high class piano from one of ordinary grade. A high class piano at a low price is their style 13, which contains best front escapement, check action, pinned hammers, tone sustaining sound board, and every modern improvement.

Although we have singled out for especial mention these instruments, all the productions of Messrs. Allen and Sons are of the best English workmanship, unrivalled for tone and touch, and finished in every detail with the utmost care. In addition to these essential qualities, they are of special new design, in fact, they are the embodiment of an instrument which possesses all the best qualities and none of the bad. As an instance of the high esteem in which Messrs. Allen and Sons are regarded by the inhabitants of Wolverhampton and the district, we could not do better than allude to their large and rapidly increasing patronage, a fact which speaks volumes for the satisfaction derived by their many clients. The instruments of this firm are found over a wide area, as may be surmised when we state that they have branches at Shrewsbury, Stafford, Birmingham, Cannock, West Bromwich, Walsall, etc. Their factory, located in Vane Street, Wolverhampton, where are also their commodious stables-accommodation for seven horses; besides being equipped with all the modern machinery requisite to the production of instruments of a high-class, find employment for a large staff of workmen, carefully selected for their skill in this particular handicraft. It affords us the utmost pleasure to give this representative firm a, brief notice in this Review of principal industrial and commercial concerns of Wolverhampton and the district, and the future welfare of the firm is fully assured.

Henry Wm. Bailey, Civil, Military, and Ladies' Tailor, and Breeches Maker, 65 Salop Street.

The tailoring business of Mr. H. W. Bailey was established some 24 years ago by the father of the present proprietor, and has proved eminently successful, owing to the practical skill which has been brought to bear upon it in all its branches.

Henry William Bailey's shop in Salop Street.

When we mention that Mr. H. W. Bailey was formerly cutter and fitter to Messrs. Peter Robinson, of London, it is in itself sufficient guarantee of this gentleman's ability as a high-class exponent of his trade. It is no exaggeration to state that for ladies' riding habits, outdoor walking and travelling costumes, coats, and golf Capes, gentlemen's hunting breeches and leggings, fishing, shooting, and cycle outfits, there is no better house in the Midlands to which we can recommend readers of this Review, than that of Mr. Bailey, of 65 Salop Street.

This gentleman is always up-to-date in his stock of cloths of all kinds, which are selected with good judgment, and are of guaranteed excellence, while in respect to cut, fit, patterns and style, the greatest satisfaction may be relied upon. Other features of the business are punctuality in the execution of orders, and moderation in price. Mr. Bailey well deserves the success he has achieved, and which must needs increase.

John Barratt, Manufacturer of the "Wulfruna" Cycles, Wulfruna Cycle Works, Melbourne Street.

Among the names most prominently identified with the growth of the cycle trade in Wolverhampton there is none better known than that of Mr. John Barratt, manufacturer of the celebrated "Wulfruna" Cycles, which justly hold a pre-eminent position both at home and abroad.

For the last twenty years Mr. Barratt has been engaged in this branch of industry, and no manufacturer has done more to uphold the reputation of the town for high class productions. His business has grown at a steady and substantial pace, and is now accounted among the largest and most influential of its character in the district. In this instance success has been thoroughly well deserved, for exceptional skill has been allied to the most enterprising and honourable methods of trading. The great demand for "Wulfruna" machines during the season of 1896 sorely taxed Mr. Barratt's productive facilities, but with characteristic foresight he has taken steps during the quiet winter period to obviate this difficulty with regard to the approaching season, by the addition of two large building shops, a magnificent machine shop, and new finishing, plating, and enamelling shops; the premises now covering a large area of ground between Melbourne Street and Level Street, and being equipped throughout with the most improved English and American automatic machinery and labour-saving appliances.

The various manufacturing departments are conveniently arranged to ensure economy of time and production, and each is under the constant supervision of skilful and trustworthy foremen, Upwards of three hundred hands are employed, and a pleasing feature is the good feeling that always exists between proprietor and workmen.

The productions include ladies' and gentlemen's, girls' and youths' safeties, tricycles, and tandems, fitted with the best rims, tyres, and gear cases to order; saddles by the celebrated firm of Messrs. Lamplugh and Co. For beauty of design, light running, superior workmanship and finish, speed and durability, the "Wulfruna" machines stand in the very front rank, as hundreds of unsolicited testimonials from capable riders and many flattering press notices - British and foreign - will testify.

The 1897 "Wulfrunas" will be thoroughly up-to-date, and show improvement upon those of preceding years, and we strongly advise intending purchasers to send to Mr. Barratt for one of his illustrated price lists before buying elsewhere. It contains all particulars and specifications, prices, etc.

John Barratt.

A Wulfruna ladies' cycle.

We cannot better conclude this review of one of Wolverhampton's chief cycle factories than by wishing the respected proprietor a continuance of the success he has thus far enjoyed, and so thoroughly deserved.

Telegraphic Address: "Wulfruna, Wolverhampton." Telephone No. 7137.

George Baglin, Horse Shoe Manufacturer, 19 Chester Street, Whitmore Reans.

We should like to call attention here to the business of Mr. George Baglin, horseshoe manufacturer, which had its origin in the year 1860. The premises occupied by Mr. Baglin at the above address comprise a private house and works at the rear. These latter are fully equipped with the best appliances known to the trade, and will meet all requirements.

Only experienced hands are employed by Mr. Baglin, who undertakes every description of smiths' work, and has a special reputation for the manufacture of horseshoes, in which line he is in a position to compete with any one in the trade, both in respect to quality and price. This, no doubt is accounted for by the fact that his long experience in the trade is brought to bear on all transactions for raw materials, and that he is able to give all operations his close personal supervision. All orders are executed in a speedy manner, and the proprietor enjoys the respect of all with whom he has business relations.

M. Bagnall, Patentee and Manufacturer of Trunk Handles, Fittings, Washers, Bucket Ears, etc. Manufacturer of the "Winona" Cycles and Cycle Fittings, Cable Street.

For many years Mr. M. Bagnall has been well known in Wolverhampton industrial circles as a patentee and manufacturer of trunk handles, fittings, bucket ears, washers, etc., doing an excellent and widespread trade by reason of the great utility of his inventions, and the general first-class quality of all his productions. In recent years he has added cycle and cycle fitting manufacturing to his other business.

The "Winona" is the name given to the machines made by Mr. Bagnall, and so considerable is the demand for them, that to meet the orders already in hand, for the coming season of 1897, the premises have had to be enlarged just recently. He makes both ladies' and gentlemen's safeties, juvenile safeties, racers, tricycles and tandems, which are fitted with the standard makes of tyres, gear cases, and other fittings and accessories to order. Mr. Bagnall is employing a good number of hands in the different departments of his business, and is able to execute all orders in the most prompt and satisfactory manner.

Barford & Newitt, Artists, Lithographers, and Steam Printers, 27 Queen Street.

A firm which has gained considerable reputation as lithographers, and steam printers, etc., is that of Messrs. Barford and Newitt. Their premises, located in Queen Street, are well suited to the trade, and are equipped and arranged in a manner to meet all requirements. This firm has been established about 30 years, and have succeeded in building up a very valuable connection throughout the district. Messrs. Barford and Newitt are enabled to execute all orders in the most prompt and skilful manner, having at their command a large staff of the most experienced workmen. Their samples in lithography are of very high merit, and classes this firm among the most able exponents of the craft. They have also long been noted for their well-made account books and direction labels. In conclusion, we predict, with every confidence, a continuance of prosperity for this excellent and well-conducted concern.

Beaumont Cycle Company.

The Beaumont Cycle Company has been established in Wolverhampton about six years, and in this comparatively short period of time, has made astonishing progress, in so much that recently extensions have had to be made in their works, and increased plant and machinery laid down to enable the firm to meet the increased demand. The premises utilised are located in Cleveland Road and Vane Street, and comprise a good-sized works, well-equipped with the very latest machinery and other appliances to attain the best results, and every convenience is possessed to meet the requirements of the business.

The machines manufactured by the Beaumont Cycle Company are known throughout the country for their high-class qualities, and numerous voluntary testimonials have been received by the firm from professional and amateur cyclists, who regard the "Beaumont" as unsurpassed for lightness, strength, and speed. In addition to the cycles made for gents and ladies, the firm have produced machines specially adapted for youthful riders of either sex, and constructed with the latest improvements.

The Beaumont "Roadster" is a remarkably taking machine, the frame is of genuine weldless steel tubes, with D section back stays, high tension, tangent and part-plated spokes, cork or felt handles, rat trap or rubber pedals, Brampton's No. 56 saddle, and hardened steel link chain, detachable brake and mudguards, wheels, 28-in. or to order, finished in brilliant black enamel, and usual parts heavily plated, weight, 32 lbs. The firm are equally successful in ladies' machines, and never fail to give satisfaction to their patrons. A considerable number of hands are employed, and the enterprise is conducted upon lines that reflect the highest credit on the firm, who are to be congratulated upon their eminent success.

William Beddows & Co., British and Foreign Timber Merchants, Sawing, Planing and Moulding Mills, Union Mill Street.

This business is of very old-established standing, and in its own special lines has one of the largest trading connections in Wolverhampton. The premises utilized by Messrs. William Beddows & Co. (who have owned the concern for the last twenty years) are in Union Mill Street; they are conveniently arranged and have a good canal frontage; while the extensive sawing, planing and moulding mills are fitted with specially designed machinery and plant for sawing, planing and preparing moulding to any pattern.

In their large yard, Messrs. Beddows & Co. have a splendid stock of British and foreign timber of all sorts, including a large assortment of dry red and white deals, for joinery, under sheds; while the entire collection is carefully selected, so as to ensure the satisfaction of customers. Mouldings, skirtings, prepared flooring, match boards, spokes, felloes, shafts and colliery timber are supplied, the output from the mills of manufactured goods being an extensive one. The excellent facilities enjoyed by this firm, who employ numerous workmen, enable them to execute orders with due despatch, and to meet in a most satisfactory manner the busy trade that is in their hands. The concern is capably and energetically managed, good organisation being noticeable throughout.

Beech and Onions, Melbourne Carriage Works, Dudley Road.

This business dates its founding back to the year 1854, a fact which is sufficient to confirm the following remarks. Previous to the present proprietors taking over the possession, this concern was controlled by Mr. W. Allen, and we may say at once that it would be difficult to find a house of this character in Wolverhampton which can be said to hold a higher reputation. The premises utilised at the address named are of large dimensions. The firm design and build every description of two and four wheel carriages, light spring traps, carts, vans, floats, pleasure brakes, etc., and great care is exercised to ensure that none but properly seasoned timber and best materials are employed in all work undertaken. Second hand vehicles are kept in stock, and a speciality is made of repairs and smiths' work in general. In all transactions this firm will be found exceedingly prompt, courteous, and reasonable.

A. E. Beardmore, Chemist and Druggist, West End Drug Stores, 365 Newhampton Road.

The establishment at 365, Newhampton Road, Wolverhampton, conducted by Mr. A. E. Beardmore, and popularly known as the West End Drug Stores, has been in existence for a considerable length of time, and each succeeding year serves to emphasise its importance and reliability. Mr. Beardmore maintains one of the best-selected stocks of patent medicines in the town, also proprietary articles of well-recognised repute, toilet, nursery and sick-room requisites, surgical appliances, etc.

All the drugs and chemicals he employs in his compoundings are derived from the most reliable sources and are of the purest quality. He personally presides over the dispensing department, and his long experience in the business eminently entitles him to a position of high standing in the profession. Mr. Beardmore has several specialities which have won their way to popular favour, notably, his "Rheumatic Mixture," which has been found so efficacious in Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Sciatica, Tooth-ache and Neuralgia. This is a mixture to be taken internally, it has been a boon to many, and is deservedly popular.

Several other specialities deserving of mention are "Beardmore's Wulfruna Skin Lotion", "Wulfruna Hair Restorer", New Life Syrup, and Maternity Syrup. These and many others have established themselves among all sections of the community and there is a great demand for them. Mr. Beardmore enjoys a high reputation as a chemist and also for his skill in extracting teeth painlessly; he also supplies artificial teeth, perfect in fit and manufacture, and at strictly commendable prices, in fact, in each department this is a distinctive feature of the establishment. The West End Store comprise an elegantly appointed shop, with all facilities for conducting a high-class trade. The establishment in its entirety is admirably and enterprisingly conducted and reflects credit upon its esteemed proprietor.

Blenkin and Ward, Superior Printers and Account Book Manufacturers, Cleveland Printing Works.

In the town of Wolverhampton the printing trade and kindred branches is represented by a number of eminent firms, but one occupying what we may certainly term a distinctly high position is that of Messrs. Blenkin and Ward, proprietors of the Cleveland Printing Works, situate in Cleveland Road. This firm make a special feature of superior printing, and in this branch have achieved a reputation of which they have every reason to be proud. A remarkable run of success has attended the operations of this firm since the founding of the business two years ago. The growth and development of the trade has been almost phenomenal, for in the short time named the firm have advanced to a leading position in the trade in Wolverhampton, and their works are now one of the hugest in the town.

No expense has been spared in the equipment of the lithographic and letter press departments – the most modern machinery and appliances being in use, and it is evident from the beautiful work turned out that all operations are conducted on the most advanced lines. To the production of high-class cycle lists, Messrs. Blenkin and Ward have devoted special attention, with the most gratifying results. Their connection in; this particular class of trade are very considerable, and it is safe to say that no firm in the country turn out better designs.

All descriptions of first class letterpress printing (plain and coloured) is undertaken, and for both quality and price this firm occupy a foremost position. Account book manufacturing is another very important feature of Messrs. Blenkin and Ward's operations, and all their productions in this branch are unsurpassed for superior material and workmanship and excellent finish. Foremost amongst their specialities is cheap embossing, which is executed by an entirely new process of their own, in any design, and has made a "hit" with the cycle trade, particularly for catalogue covers, &c. A large number of hands are employed, and all orders receive the promptest attention. Both partners in the firm are gentlemen of thorough experience in the trade, and the signal success they have achieved is only commensurate with the ability and well-directed enterprise they have displayed.    

G. Herbert Brotherton, Corn, Seed, Manure, and Implement Merchant.

There is no name better known in Wolverhampton in connection with the corn, seed. and manure trade than that of Mr. G. Herbert Brotherton who has offices in Merridale Road, and commodious warehouses in Horseley Fields. Mr. Brotherton commenced business here about four years ago, and from the first his connection has grown at all unusual pace, till, already it is one of the largest and most, valuable of its character in the town. The warehouses have been fitted up and arranged to meet all the special requirements of the trade, and are heavily stocked with manure, corn, and seeds of every description.

Mr. Brotherton possesses exceptional facilities for procuring his supplies from the best growing centres, and though of course it is impossible for him to give any warranty as to the growth, description, or truthfulness of any kind of seed, yet it is well known that he exercises the most scrupulous care and watchfulness to secure for his customers the best article obtainable, and his success is evidenced by the confidence reposed in him by his patrons. He makes a speciality of calf food, and horse and cattle spice, and holds agencies with some of the leading manufacturers for all kinds of agricultural implements and machinery. A large trade is also done in brewers' barley, Wrinch's "Premier" barley and Brotherton's special Wiltshire, Somersetshire, and Lincolnshire Chevalier, and Goldthorpe barleys being in great request.

In this branch Mr. Brotherton has valuable trade connections at Burton-on-Trent, and with many prominent brewers in the country. We may add that at the Horticultural Show in July, 1893, Mr. Brotherton was awarded a Bronze Medal and Certificate of Merit for exhibits of garden furniture. All orders receive the most prompt and careful attention. The telegraphic address is "Barley, Wolverhampton."           

John W. Brotherton, Coal, Coke and Breeze Merchant, Victoria Coal Wharf, Commercial Road.

A goodly share in the coal trade of Wolverhampton is in the hands of Mr. John W. Brotherton, who is justly credited with supplying his customers with high-class quality fuel on the most advantageous terms possible. His depot is at the Victoria Coal Wharf, Commercial Road, where he occupies convenient and adequate accommodation.

The stock of coal on hand, and suitable for manufacturing and domestic purposes, is an extensive one, and is representative of the output of many of the leading collieries with which Mr. Brotherton keeps in close touch. He is also well-known as a coke and breeze merchant, and has a large quantity of this class of fuel at his command.. His wide experience enables him to supply his customers with exactly what they reqmre, and his prices (which may be had. on application) are thoroughly moderate. He has a capital connection, and his trade continues to develop.

George E. Brown, Builders' Factor and Ironmonger, Sanitary and Electrical Engineer, Practical Plumber, Gas and Hot Water Fitter, The Padlock, 2 Snow Hill.

Among the ironmongers, plumbers, etc., of Wolverhampton, a prominent place must admittedly be allotted to Mr. George E. Brown, who commencing business about three years ago, at 2 Snow Hill. His energy and ability secured unqualified success in the various branches of trade carried out by him. His premises are known as "The Padlock," and consist of a fine front shop, (which has two windows), and of warehousing and other essential accommodation.

Mr. Brown's stock of all kinds of ironmongery, including all goods usually sold by builders' factors, is an exceptionally fine one, representing as it does the productions of the most reliable manufacturers, and being selected with care and discrimination. The trade of a plumber in all its branches knows no more competent exponent than Mr. Brown, who is conversant with modern methods and well posted in the latest improvements in sanitary work. He makes specialities of the fitting and fixing of baths, water closets, electric bells, speaking tubes, spouting, etc., and in fact all kinds of work in sanitary and electrical engineering, practical plumbing, and gas and hot water fitting, are skilfully executed by him, and in this connection we may mention that he has the authority of the Wolverhltmpton Corporation.

Estimates are promptly supplied, and as an ample staff is always at Mr. Brown's disposal he is able to deal with all jobs without delay, while he exercises over his men that practical supervision which is of so much value. Every department of this varied business is in a flourishing condition, as the public see that Mr. Brown has the strongest possible claims on their custom. We are glad to see his ability and enterprise so well recognised, and trust that still further success will attend his efforts.

Hermann Brugger, Watchmaker, Jeweller, etc., 31 Dudley Street.

A notable establishment in Wolverhampton is ably conducted by Mr. Hermann Brugger watchmaker and jeweller, at 31 Dudley Street. The enterprise is of very old standing, and its reputation exceptionally good. The three-storied premises occupied consists of a double-fronted shop and workshops. The window display is eminently attractive, and the interior equipments quite up-to-date.

The stock of Jewellery is very select, and comprises rings of every description, bracelets, bangles, brooches, and kindred articles; also a fine selection of English and foreign gold and silver watches, elegant time pieces, and a variety of goods in silver and electroplate of a useful and ornamental character. Mr. Herman Brugger employs an adequate staff of skilled hands to assist him in his operations. He gives the execution of repairs the most careful attention, and in each department is extremely moderate in his charges. His business throughout is conducted on the most conscientious lines, and he never falls to afford the most complete satisfaction to his numerous clientele.

The Wulfruna Engraving and Printing Office.

The business of an engraver, etc., so successfully carried on in Wolverhampton by Mr. N. Budd, was established in 1867, and has ever since enjoyed the patronage of a wide circle.

Mr. Budd's premises are centrally situated, where he has excellent facilities for conducting the different   departments of his trade. His work as a wood, copperplate, and general engraver, electrotyper, etc., is of the highest order of excellence, and well merits the praise that is bestowed upon it.

Manufacturers' patterns are photographed or drawn and engraved on wood and copper, views of works and public buildings engraved, invoice, memorandum, and note headings, and business cards designed and engraved in the best American styles, visiting and wedding cards elegantly engraved and printed. Memorial Brasses are designed, made, and engraved, also door and window plates, arms, crests, monograms, and address dies, in the highest designs are supplied with the utmost promptitude, and the workmanship and finish of these different productions cannot fail to give the fullest satisfaction.

As an heraldic and illuminating artist, etc., Mr. Budd is also well to the front, and thorough efficiency is the prevailing characteristic in all departments of his business. He has an ample staff, and his busy trade is striking testimony to the esteem in which he is held. Mr. Budd has received some valuable testimonials and flattering press notices regarding the merit of his productions, and the eminent art critic, Mr. John Ruskin, writes: "Your specimens show capacity of very considerable range for ornamental design, and manual skill enough for anything."

Edmund Bullivant and Co., Blakenhall Works.

The manufacture of all enamel and japanware constitutes a staple branch of industry in Wolverhampton, and a firm occupying a high position in this line is that of Messrs. Edmund Bullivant and Co., proprietors of the Blakenhall Works. This noted concern was founded in 1864, and has had a remarkably prosperous career, due alike to the uniform excellence of the work turned out and the enterprising spirit of the proprietor.

The premises utilised cover a large area of ground, possess an excellent two-storied frontage and extend in two-storied wings a considerable distance to the rear. Messrs. Bullivant have the best machinery plant in operation, and employing a large number of hands are admirably placed to execute all classes of work promptly and in the best manner.

Their productions include every description of travelling trunks, cash and deed boxes, bowls, buckets, oval and round frying pans (tinned and galvanised) steel basins, tea kettles, scoops, baths, coal vases, fire screens, trays, waiters, etc., etc. All their productions in stamped hollowware, tinned, japanned and enamel goods are specially noted for durable wear and best finish, and maintain a standard reputation for these qualities in both home and foreign markets. Messrs. Bullivnnt, and Co. are to be congratulated upon the success that has attended their business, and it is a pleasure to accord such a reliable and well-known firm clue prominence in a work of this character.

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