Dudley Road

The northern end of Dudley Road changed beyond recognition with the building of the ring road. Most of the buildings were demolished in readiness for the project. In more recent times the demolition preceding the building of St John's Retail Park removed much of what was left. These photographs were taken just before, and during the first phase of demolition when many of the first buildings to be built here were still in existence.
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All of these buildings disappeared during the construction of the ring road. On the right is the corner of George Street and on the left is Powlett Street.

The lock-up shop opposite used to be the premises of Boucher & Co. who sold cheap tools.

The shop with the Ekco sign above, was Millwards Radio & Television which also had an excellent television and hi-fi shop in Salop Street.

The ring road went straight through here. Opposite is a butcher's shop, Wheel & Deal, and Decorarte who sold wallpaper, paint and decorating materials.

This photograph was taken in December 1973.

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In March 1976 demolition was well under way. These are the same buildings that are in the photographs above.
A little further along the street was J.E. Higgins second hand shop.

They sold antiques and advertised themselves as a modern exchange & mart.

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On the right is the end of the last section of the ring road that was built in December 1973.

All of the buildings in the foreground have since disappeared.

Looking back towards Snow Hill from the Birmingham Road junction.

The street on the middle right is Melbourne Street.

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Another view from the same junction.
Opposite is Clarke's Newsagents and tobacconists, and to its right is the Wednesfield Refrigeration Service Limited which sold refrigerators and freezers. DudleyRd9.jpg (27940 bytes)
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This April 1973 view shows Poyner's Cycles, the New Inn pub, and Ron Collins tv, radio and electrical shop.
On the left is WW Fixings Ltd who sold, hired and repaired power tools.

The next four shops are Larry's Cash & Carry and from there to the corner of Frederick Street is Henry Gough & Sons Ltd.

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On the left is H. J. Williams and next door is Homes Garden Supplies.

On its right is a sweet shop and a newsagents and tobacconists.

The view looking towards town. On the left is Pardesi & Co. and on the right is Grove Street. DudleyRd14.jpg (31220 bytes)
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This  December 1973 view shows the old Coliseum Cinema.

Next door was Dudley Road Post Office which was owned by H. M. Grazier.

The new building until a few years ago, housed Roldec Computers Ltd.

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