A charming photograph showing a lady with a collection box, collecting
money for the General hospital. The hospital took the name of the
Wolverhampton and Staffordshire General Hospital in 1873 and became the
Royal Hospital on 1st January 1929.

This photograph, taken in about 1921 shows the
Back row, left to right:
J. N. McTurk, J. H. Sheldon, G. E. Dyas, C. A. Stidston, G. Mitchell, S. G.
Front row, left to right:
T. H. Galbraith, E. H. Coleman, W. F. Cholmeley, E. Deanesly, A. H. Carter, A. H. W. Hunt.

Edward Hayling Coleman.
Edward Hayling Coleman was a member of the Honorary Surgical Staff from
1852 until 1870. He carried out pioneering work using chloroform as a
general anaesthetic.

Thomas Vincent Jackson F.R.C.S.
Thomas Vincent Jackson F.R.C.S. was a member of the
Honorary Surgical Staff from 1864 until 1901. He was Mayor of
Wolverhampton in 1887 and as chairman of the Public Works Committee he
pressed for the introduction of running water and sewerage.
A Mayoral visit to the hospital in about 1980. The Mayor,
Ted Lane is feeding the patient and the Mayoress, next right, is his
daughter. Next to the Mayoress is Agnes Andreos who was the Area
Nursing Officer. On the back row is Mr Peter Tredrea who was Chairman of
the Area Health Authority and Mr E. Crossfield who was the Administrator
of the Area Health Authority.

Miss Ritchie was the hospital's last matron.
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