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The illuminations

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Countless thousands of people were in the town in the evening to witness the illuminations in honour of the Queen's visit, and many of the designs, and the manner in which they were carried out, were generally admired. Never in the history of Wolverhampton had the streets presented so brilliant and splendid an appearance. Not merely to the principal thoroughfares were the illuminations confined, but in every street of the least importance was to be seen a good variety of gas devices, Chinese lanterns, and other brilliancies. Immense crowds of people were parading about till a late hour, viewing, with evident amazement and delight, the glittering objects that met their gaze; and in Dudley Street the concourse of people passing up and down was occasionally so great that the roadway was completely blocked up.

It would be fruitless to attempt to describe the array of dazzling splendour which blazed forth on every side; but we might mention. that Dudley Street, Queen Street, Cock Street, the High Green, and other thoroughfares were illuminated with great taste, expense in the reception of Royalty not being even thought of, and many of the devices were so arranged as to have a most charming effect. Messrs. Chubb's establishment, near the carriage drive to the High Level Station, presented a very pretty and novel aspect, the whole of the windows having the appearance of being filled in with Diaphane, whilst in the front of the premises were some very pretty gas designs. The illuminated representation of Her Majesty, supported on either side by the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the Prince and Princess Christian, which was displayed over the entrance to Mr. Walker's liquor vaults, in Cock Street, was universally admired.

Queen Street
The chief illuminations in this street were those in front of the County Court, and comprised the following devices: In the centre of the pediment, below the flag trophy, was a large star, and below this a coronation crown surmounted by the Prince of Wales's plume, with the initials V.R. and A.A. on either side; a large Brunswick star was fixed over the principal entrance, and the initials V.R. at the top of the gates at each end. The Post Office exhibited an Alexandra star with the initials A.A. in the centre, and V.R. on each side.

An entrance ticket for the pavilion.

The Athenaeum displayed a large brilliancy, a Brunswick star, which was very attractive. A pretty device, the rose, shamrock, and thistle, and a star, were exhibited by Mr. Sanders.

Returning to the other side of the County Court, Gibbs Brothers had a device, an anchor and chain; from there to Mr. Langman's was a succession of stars and jets but in front of the house last named, the uniformity was broken by a Brunswick star with a Staffordshire knot and V.R.

From corner of Market Street to corner of Dudley Street there was a succession of stars with a line of blazing jets, except in front of Sir. Pearce and Mr. Tustin's premises, where a large V.R. was displayed, and Mr. Hands had a large star and V.R.

On the opposite side of the street Mr. Richards had a handsome star and crown, flanked with V.R. Here, too, a succession of stars and jets lightened up the street. Mr. Rowland showed a large shield, and from here to the end of the street the devices were chiefly V.R.s and stars.

Dudley Street
This was one of the best illuminated streets, and presented a long flood of Light of dazzling brilliancy. The most effective was the illumination in front of the premises of Mr. G. L. Underhill, who had an Alexandra star about eight feet high, with a V.R. of equal proportions. Messrs. Andrews had four large brilliancies representing the Brunswick star and garter. Mr. McGregor displayed a crown and V.R. surrounded by a radiated device. Mr. Masters lighted up a large shield; Mr. Baker, large centre star and jets; Mr. Lord the monogram A.A. At the opposite corner, Messrs. Bradshaw had a V.R., and from there along the premises of Mr. Tolefree and Mr. Shaw were a succession of stars. Mr. Giles and Mr. Langman had a star and V.R., of large dimensions. In front of the Red Cow Inn was a large crown, and Mr. Devereux, at the adjoining inn, had a V.R. and large star in the centre. Mr. Perry, a crown, and Mr. Benjamin a handsome crown flanked by a V.R. of large proportions. A large crown and the Royal initials were shown on the fronts of Mr. Banks and Mr. Walker. The other large devices in this locality were a V.R. and crown in the centre at Mr. Parke's; at Mr. Lloyd's a Prince of Wales’ plume and stars; Mr. Leary had a large star; Mr. Neale, V.R. and Prince of Wales’ plume over the King Street window.

High Green
The illuminations here, like the decorations, were upon a very extensive scale, and excited general admiration. At the Swan Hotel was a crown of large dimensions; Mr. Fleeming, V.R. of large size, separated by a crown; Mr. Davenport, V.R. with large star in the centre; on the liquor vaults at the opposite corner, a V.R. and a fleur-de-lis with motto, "Ich dien" Mr. Cope, a star; Mr. Dawson, Prince of Wales' plume and crown; Mr. Walker, V.R., with the rose, shamrock, and thistle intervening. The Bilston District Bank had a neat illumination comprising a star and jets; Messrs. Sidney and Son, V.R. and star in the centre, above, a crown surmounted by a star; Messrs. Sollorn and Wootton, each a transparency of an attractive character; Mr. Frantz, a star; Messrs. Lowe, V.R. with a crown; Mr. Shoolbred, V.R.; Garnett Brothers, crown and star; Mr. Plank, a crown; Warner Brothers, V.R.; Mr. Wright, a large star; Mr. Jones and Mr. J. Steen, each various neat designs.

The Old Churchyard
The chief illuminations here were at the Bank, and consisted of a Royal crown with the letters V.R. and two stars in gas. There were also some very pretty Chinese lanterns arranged underneath, and a number of coloured lamps. Over the entrance porch of the Collegiate Church was a device representing the Crossed Keys of St. Peter, surmounted by the initial P.

Darlington Street
Among the principal illuminations here were the following: Alderman Hawksford, a large star and the monogram V.R.; the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal Company, a large star; Deakin and Dent, V.R., of large size and a star; Mr. Lovatt, V.R., surmounted by a crown; Mr. Horsman, a star and other decorations; Mr. Cooke, V.R. and a star; Mr. Clear, A.A., surmounted by a device; Mr. Roebuck, V.R. and a crown.

Cock Street
The following were some of the principal illuminations: Mr. Chittoe, threw devices; Mr. Nendick, A.A., with large star; Mr. Weaver, a line of jets; the Midland Bank, a very handsome and expensive illumination; undoubtedly the most attractive in the street; consisting of three crystal stars of large size surmounted by a crown; Mr. Tunnicliffe, V.R., a star, and lustres with wax candles. Messrs, Ironmonger exhibited a brilliant Brunswick star.

Worcester Street and Road
Among those worthy of notice was Mr. Tyler's, the letters V.R. and a crown; Mr. Hamp had a neat device; Mr. Smith, a transparency; St. Paul's Terrace was very effectively lighted up with a row of jets the entire length of the terrace, and other devices, coloured lamps were also suspended from the trees. There were several others of minor importance.

Exchange Street
At the entrance to the Exchange Buildings was a star and crown; at Mr. Hampton's liquor vaults, a plume of feathers, enriched and flanked by two stars; at the office of the Clerk of the Peace were the letters V.R. and two stars; at Mr. Cooling's was a small crown, V.R., and a plume of feathers, and ranged on each side were several similar stars.

North Street
The Town Hall, being an official building, was, of course, the chief point of attraction in this street. Across the front ran the words, "God Save the Queen," in very large characters, and above was the monogram V.R., surmounted by a large crown; Mr. H. Willcock exhibited the letters V.R., surmounted by a star, with surroundings; at the headquarters of the Fourth Battalion of Volunteers was "4th S.R.V.," in large letters, and the Overseers, who occupy the same building, had the: monogram V.R. with a star. Mr. Riley exhibited a crystal star with ruby cross in the centre. Mr. R. Jessop, lower down the street, showed a star.

Waterloo Road
The illuminations here were very numerous. Messrs. Corser and Fowler exhibited a Staffordshire knot and a star; in front of the Library was the fleur-de-lis. At nearly all the private houses in this road were illuminations of some kind, as Chinese lanterns, gas jets, coloured lamps suspended from the trees, coloured fires burnt, etc. Mr. Fuller exhibited a handsome crystal star with St. George's cross in the centre.

Stafford Street and Road
The devices in this street worthy of notice were at the Elephant and Castle Inn, consisting of a large star flanked with the initials V.R., and surrounded with other adornments, and a star over the doorway of the Black Horse. At the Railway Sheds five stars were ranged along the front, the centre one being seven feet in height.

Lichfield Street
This street was very prettily illuminated, not only by gas devices but by Chinese lanterns, etc., strung across the streets in several places.

Among the more, noticeable features were V.R. over the Lamb Inn; a star over Mr. F. Ruby's; a crown, flanked by the letters V.R., at Mr. Fryer's Bank; a star and the letters V.R. over Mr. Stanton's; and a crown, flanked by V.R., over the entrance to the Noah's Ark Inn.

Berry Street
The principal illumination in this street was over the doorway of the Castle Inn, and consisted of a plume of feathers.

Market Street
In front of the Chronicle and Express offices were some handsome illuminations; they consisted of a large crown, flanked by the letter V.R. and two stars.

A close-up of Albert's statue.

Bilston Street
At the manufactory of Ready and Son was a large crown and star, surrounded by flags and other adornments, flanked by the letters V.R., and under this was the word "Welcome," flanked by two smaller stars. The Concert Hall came next, and besides the ordinary Prince of Wales' plume, there were two devices; a crown and star. There were also stars over Mr. Skidmore's and Messrs. Forder and Traves; Cozens and Co. showed a large crown.

Garrick Street
The chief illuminations here were at the Police Station, there was a large crown, having a small star on either side, and the words "Welcome to the Prince and Princess Christian" at the Garrick's Head Inn was exhibited a Prince of Wales' plume, with the motto, "Ich dien". Over the entrance to the Old Hall works were three stars.

Some of the illuminations here were very good; in front of the Peacock hotel was a large star and V.R., and at Mr. Barnett's, opposite, was a crown and star; Mr. Holiday had a neat device consisting of a crown ornamented with variegated lamps. Mr. Corns, at the corner of Cleveland Street, had a star and V.R.; Mr. Denton displayed a large Alexandra star, with the letters V.R. on either side. The Agricultural Hall was also illuminated with a regal crown and V.R.; Mr. York had a pretty device, consisting of a Brunswick star. On Mr. Davies's premises were the letters V.R. and a star. There was also a large star at St. George's Hall.

Horseley Fields
The principal illumination in this thoroughfare was at the Shakespeare Foundry; it consisted of a regal crown, surmounting the Staffordshire knot, and flanked by the letters V.R., underneath which, stretching to some length, were the words, "Long Live Her Gracious Majesty." Messrs. Rogers, in Union Street, had a large crystal star with V.R. and motto; in Mill Street, a large and effective device over Mr. Norton's Mill, consisted of a Prince of Wales' plume and two large stars. Returning to Horseley Fields, Moreton and Co. had a Brunswick star; Langley and Co. a crown and V.R.; at St. James's Vicarage, a star; Bamford Brothers had a large crown and V.R., and many others exhibited sundry devices of less magnitude.

We may add that the gas consumed on the occasion amounted to the enormous quantity of one million fourteen thousand cubic feet, supplied from the two stations of the Wolverhampton Gas Company.

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