An article from the 'Walsall Note Book', a local magazine published in 1830. The magazine, edited by Mr. Chavasse, of Digbeth, was produced to promote the prosperity of the town. It lasted for 12 months.

The Effect of the Bill in Starre Chamber ‘Gaynste Bayard and his Coltes

In the 16th yeare of King Henry the 8th, his raigne, one Robert Acton, Squire, one of the Groomes of the Kinge's Chamber, preferred a bill into the Starre Chamber against one Richard Hopkyns, Richard Bingley, and Nicholas Woodward of Walsale, wherein hee shewed that whereas hee being possessed of the King's Manor of Walsale for his lyfe, by virtue of the King's Letters Patent.

They three being wilful and obstinate persons, having wrongfully withhelde from him, and so had don a long time from the Kinge, divers parcells of Land and divers yeerly Rents, Custumes, and Servises, payinge nothing therefor to the Kinge, ne to hym the Patentee and Fermor of the sayd Manor; and had mainteyned the King's Bondmen regardant to the sayed Manor, and doe say and affirm, that they bee free; and have cutt down great Timber Trees in Walsale Parke. That they and other misdemened persones have hunted as well by nighte as by day in the Parke, and killed divers of the King's Deere: wherewith hee the sayd Robert Acton, not being contented, hath often required them to forbeare, and required them to paye the yearely custumes, rentes, and servises, which belonged to their tenures, or els he would noe longer suffer them in theyre evyl doinges, but would complain to the Kinge.

Whereupon the sayd Hopkins, Bingley, and Woodward, openly sayd to the sayd Robert Hacton, that if he would not suffer them to doe as they had done in times past, they would raise Bayard of Walsale, with his thousand Colts, and sett and appoint foure hundred men to revenge their quarrels upon him; and that they would ring Bayard's Bell, so that all the Town of Walsale should arise forthwith by the meanes thereof, whether the matter were right or wronge. And showed that the inhabitants of the sayd 'fown were light persons suddenly moved to affrays and insurrections. And the rather because Bayard and his thousand Colts being great Clubbes, and have bin of longe time sett and hanged up on highe in the Town Halle of Walsale, and there beene taken and reputed in as much honour and worshipp as they were saincts in the churche; and bee at certain times in the yeare solemnly borne about the Towne in great reverence; which thing to be suffered is a great abomination, and the worst example for the maintenance of evyl rule within the sayd Towne that can be devised.

And for that the sayd evyl and disordered persons intend to be borne and maintained in their ungracious actes and quarrels by them daylie done, they have a certaine boxe called Bayard's Boxe, in which be great sums of money purposely for the same Boxe gathered, to meyntaine theyre evyl doings any demeanours in the premises, &c. Then sheweth that they three and eight others more ryotously assembled and forcibly entered into a mill, parcel of the said Manor, &c. And desired" subpamas " against Hopkins, Bingley, and Woodward, and a commission to be directed to certain worshipful persons, as well to enquire of certain ryotts lately committed within the said Town of Walsale, by the ringynge of Bayard's Bell by the said Bingley, Hopkins, Woodward, and other evyl disposed persons, upon one John Coates and John Stanley Esquires, of the County of Stafford, which they do entend to maintaine by the cnstome belonginge to Bayard and his colts, &c., and also for the withdraweinge his yearly rents, cnstomes, and services, bondmen, and the wrongfnl occupyings of the King's lands, parcell of the said Manor, and of the sayd wast, huntinge, and of all other articles and matters in the Bill specified, with all other causes and matters that shall be shewed and alledged for the King before the said Commissioners.

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