The Growth of the Catholic
Community in Wolverhampton (part 4)
The Irish Immigrants
The dramatic increase in the size of Roman Catholic congregations in
many industrial parts of England during the first half of the nineteenth
century can be largely attributed to Irish immigration. Though the
influx was to reach its climax during and immediately after the great
Irish famine of 1845-51, it had been taking place at an accelerating
rate during the previous three decades. From the end of the Napoleonic
Wars there was a constantly expanding flow of young Irish labourers who
sought work in the docks and in the mines and new factories of the North
and Midlands. Many of their number came only for a few months, usually
at harvest-time, and then returned with earnings which helped to pay the
rent and tithes at home. In the ten years after 1841, the number of
Irish born residents in Britain increased by over 73 per cent to 727,326
[C.O’Grada "A Note on Nineteenth-Century Irish Immigration Statistics"
in Population Studies 29 1975 pp 145 – 8] and Wolverhampton, with
one-eighth of its population Irish by the mid-century, [PP Public Houses
1852-3 403 St.6903] was one of a number of industrial towns where the
impact of this mass movement of people was to have major repercussions.
M.A.G. O'Tuathaig, in describing the settlement of the Irish, explains
that the important factors of rent-levels, proximity to work-place, and
transport costs dictated that the immigrants should locate themselves in
the city centres "where residential competition was least intense". [[M.A.G.O’Tuathaig
"The Irish in Nineteenth Century Britain: Problems of Intergration" RHS
1980 p154].
Indeed, many of the labouring Irish and their families who moved to
Wolverhampton made their home in Caribee Island, a run-down central
district on the north side of Stafford Street. At the end of 1847, J.
Dehone, writing in 'The Journal of Public Health', described the
buildings in this area as "most squalid ....containing a population of
frequently 10 or 12 in a room, without either beds or even the commonest
articles of furniture". The population of the district, he noted, which
was of a migratory character, was 20 times more likely to contract
typhoid than the other inhabitants of the town, and 30 times more likely
to die from it. [WC 8th Dec 1847].
Conditions continued to deteriorate as the more destitute Irish crowded
into the area. Early in 1849, Mr E.H. Coleman, surgeon at Wolverhampton
for twenty-five years, told Inspector Robert Rawlinson that typhus fever
was rarely absent from Stafford Street and Caribee Island since there
were no drains in "this loathsome neighbourhood". Instead "an open
gutter passes down the passage between the houses, or rather the whole
was an open gutter ....[with] some of the houses being below the level
of the street". Rawlinson heard that rent levels of 1/6d for old houses
were common, and that, in general, the Irish were prepared to pay more
than English tenants because "the former took in so many lodgers" [WC 7th
Feb 1849].
The experiences of Wolverhampton at this time were common also to many
other parts of the Black Country. When, in 1856, A.M. Sullivan, a
special correspondent of the Irish 'Nation', visited the Irish colonies
of the Midlands, he wrote that "it is lives that are bought and sold in
the furnaces and forges of South Staffordshire". [J.Denvir "The Irish in
Britain" 1892 p188] He found that in the appalling conditions he
encountered in Darlaston, Wednesbury, and Oldbury, safety precautions
were almost unknown, and many Irish labourers died of over-work and
exhaustion. Sullivan discovered that most of the Irish still
communicated in their native tongue, and he noted that in many of the
houses of Wednesbury "not one of the women could speak English and I
doubt that in a single house Irish was not the prevalent language".
Indeed, the Church was so worried by the situation in Bilston, three
miles south-east of Wolverhampton, that it despatched Father Sherlock to
the town to hear the confessions of the Irish labourers and their
families in their native tongue. [D.Gwynn "The Irish Immigration" The
English Catholics 1850 – 1950" 1950 p.267].