J. Pearce
This is the only example we have from J. Pearce of 21 Great
Berry Street.
The inscription - "With Toby's compliments" - also makes this
one of the few cards for which we have the name of the sitter. |
Robinson & Son
Another photograph, this time of a small
boy. |
Russell (of Wolverhampton)
Russell was at 41 Darlington Street, Wolverhampton,
and at 2 Mill Street, Crewe. |
G. Russell (of Bilston)
It is not known if there is any connection between G.
Russell and the Russell above. The backs of these photos are plain
and there is no address other than Bilston.
The name is badly printed on both photos, as if Russell was keen to
save expense. But the studio is elaborately tricked out. |
W. J. Sadler
W J Sadler was at Ivy House, Penn Road. The artists
palette shown on the reverse of his card was a common symbol on
photographer's card, emphasising that they were artists.
What was "the new instantaneous process"? It probably
enabled exposure times to be reduced.
This seems to be a later photo. The design on the
back of the card is much simplified. |
C. Stallard
Stallard was at 52 Queen Street. His card says
"Late W. H. Dodds & Company." |
Another Stallard photograph. This one is of a young girl. |
J. F. Steward
J. F. Steward was based at 14 Wanderers Avenue. Courtesy
of Ralph Hickman. |
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