Evangelical Vicar of St. Matthew’s Church, Horseley Fields,
Wolverhampton: 1870 –1889
by the Revd. Dr. Glynne Watkin
The Reverend John Eddowes
Gladstone (JEG) was a cousin of the Prime Minister of Britain, William
Ewart Gladstone
and, in July 1870, became the third vicar of St. Matthew’s Church in
Horseley Fields, Wolverhampton.
Family Detail and Links
JEG was born in Bedford Street, Liverpool on August 13th
1814, the third son
of James and Elizabeth Gladstone (nee Eddowes).
His father,
a Liverpool merchant, died when JEG was but 18 years of age and, as a
consequence, he was left to the Guardianship of his elder brother,
Thomas Murray. The latter thought that JEG ought to join other members
of the family in the merchant business and JEG, very much against his
will, was duly apprenticed to a business in Liverpool. JEG’s daughter,
Laura Edith Gladstone later wrote that her father loathed his work as a
business apprentice and longed to serve as a clergyman.
JEG’s grandson, Gerald Vaughan Gladstone, also speculated that JEG’s
calling to ordained ministry may have reflected ‘his very strong sense
of right and wrong, his conscience and his revulsion at a prosperous
family business thriving on slaves’.
A letter written by JEG to
William Ewart Gladstone, from Alderney and dated March 27th
showed that he was engaged to a Miss Anson. He
understood that members of his family, including his uncle (Sir John
Gladstone), were ‘decidedly opposed’ to the engagement. He explained
that he has ‘warm affection’ toward her and did not want to ‘trifle with
her feelings by breaking up the engagement without the strongest
reason’. The reasons for the opposition to Miss Anson are not
clear; neither is it clear whether the engagement was broken off as a
consequence of such opposition. It is clear, however, that Miss Anson
did not become a wife to JEG.
JEG’s first marriage, on
March 16th 1843, was an elopement with his niece’s governess.
Prior to his graduation at Oxford, JEG had often stayed at his sister’s
house (Elizabeth Davenport)
and there he had met Sarah Lucilla Giles.
JEG fell in love with her and she with him. His sister disapproved of
the relationship. The couple eloped and were married at Gresford, near
Wrexham. JEG was 29 years of age and still a student at Magdalene Hall,
Oxford. The marriage of JEG and Sarah produced six children.
Sarah died at Norwich in July 1851 whilst JEG was serving as a priest at
St. Mark’s Church, New Lakenham.
JEG’s second wife was Anna
Hoyle, the daughter of Thomas and Lucy Hoyle (nee Ecroyd). Born on
December 24th 1813, she hailed from Mayfield Manchester. She
attended the Long Acre Episcopal Church (London) where JEG moved to
serve after Sarah’s death in 1851. He was strongly advised to propose
marriage to her for his four young children were a great anxiety to him
and because she had the money to support them. JEG and Anna were duly
married at Bowdon Parish Church, Cheshire, on October 28th
1852. The marriage lasted twelve years, with Anna dying on May 19th
1864 near Axbridge in Devon. Their marriage was childless.
third marriage was to Euphemia Harris, of Braunton (Devon) on September
26th 1865. Born on July 7th 1837 and daughter to Edward and
Rebecca Harris (nee Prole), she was 23 years younger than her husband.
JEG’s grandson, Gerald Vaughan Gladstone
summed it up thus:
‘in 1865, an elderly,
whiskery Anglican clergyman of pronounced evangelical views, already
twice a widower, with a nearly grown-up family, fell in love with a
tall, pretty, amusing girl from North Devon and married her’.
they had five children
Oxford and the University Days
A letter to William Ewart Gladstone, dated October 28th 1839,
showed that at the age of 25 years, JEG was planning to seek university
admission in order that he might train for the ordained priesthood. The
Revd David Anderson (curate to the Revd Buddicom, vicar of Everton) was
advising him to enter the University of Cambridge for three reasons:
firstly, because there was no entry examination at Cambridge and JEG
feared that he had 'nearly forgotten all I learnt at school’. David
Anderson had also informed him that the majority of mature students went
to Cambridge and that, at Oxford, he would be required to ‘live in’ Hall
rather expensively.
Two months later, JEG had
changed his mind about Cambridge. In a further letter to William Ewart
Gladstone, he stated that there was no entrance examination at Magdalene
Hall, Oxford, and that he would be able to complete his academic studies
sooner at Oxford. He now agreed with his cousin that Oxford was indeed
‘the best school for the discipline of the mind of him who desires to be
a minister of the Gospel in these perilous times’.
In another letter, written
in Seaforth and dated January 2nd 1840, JEG thanked William
Ewart Gladstone for agreeing to meet him during the month at Hawarden
Castle and for writing on his behalf to ‘a friend at Magdalene Hall’.
JEG later wrote (on March 26th 1840) to confirm that he had
matriculated to Magdalene (Oxford) and that his tutor, Mr. Jacobson, had
been very kind to him. He hoped to reside at Oxford with effect from
Easter 1840.
In yet another letter
written from Alderney on 27th March 1841, JEG confirmed to
his cousin that he had entered Magdalene Hall as a ‘Gentleman Commoner’
in consequence of his age, and that he was beginning to struggle
financially. He explained that ‘the expense of attending that position
is very little more than that of Commoners … still it is enough to make
it difficult to keep within my limited means’. He further
explained that he had sought some private tuition from Mr. Jacobson
because he felt ‘unprepared for the lectures at Oxford’. Further private
tuition had been agreed with the curate of Alderney (who had graduated
from Oxford in 1840). JEG had decided to live temporarily on Alderney
because ‘it is a place where I can live cheaply to save some money’.
He reassures William Ewart Gladstone that he continues to apply himself
to his academic studies: he reads each day from 8am until 1.30pm. He
walks until 4pm. He dines with his tutor from 6.30 until 7.30pm and then
reads again until 8.30pm.
He continued to struggle
financially whilst at Oxford and, in a further letter written to William
Ewart Gladstone in March 1844, JEG hoped that his brother (James
would ‘supply me with the means of paying my way until I get through the
university’. He thanked William Ewart Gladstone for his offer of a cash
advance, but declined saying ‘I did not think that because I have been
born your cousin you are bound because your abilities have raised you to
a high station, to find the means of support for me’. However, a letter
written later in March 1844 from Oxford revealed that JEG had, in
gratitude, agreed to accept some financial support from William Ewart
JEG was awarded a BA degree
in 1845.
JEG’s time at Oxford
coincided with the founding of the ‘Oxford Movement’
and he was very clearly made aware of the views of John Henry Newman
(1801-1890), Edward Pusey (1800-1882) and Hurrell Froude (1803-1836). As
an uncompromising, red-hot Evangelical Protestant, JEG very strongly
opposed them and, in particular, their claims that the Roman church was
a truer apostolic community than the established Church of England.
Ordained Ministry prior
to Wolverhampton
Curacy at St. Clements (Norwich): 1845-1846.
The Oxford & Cambridge
Review (July 1845) confirmed that JEG had been ‘admitted into
Holy Orders by ordination of the Lord Bishop of Norwich’. A letter to
William Ewart Gladstone, dated September 18th 1845, further
confirmed that he had been ordained as curate to the parish of St.
Clements (Norwich) where ‘the population are for the most part in a most
degraded condition, and where consequently there is much to be done’.
His congregation was almost wholly drawn from the local tenements and
slums that housed industrial workers.
Financial difficulties
continued to strain him. By the end of 1846, JEG and his wife had three
very young children to support on a curate’s stipend. When he
heard news of a vacant living at St. Thomas’, Toxteth, in his in his
native Liverpool, he had some grounds for optimism because his uncle
(Sir John Gladstone) was the patron. Instead, the vacancy seems to have
given rise to tension within the family.
On May 2nd 1846
JEG wrote to his cousin, Robertson Gladstone,
asking to be considered for the vacancy:
‘If there was a disposition to do anything in
my favour, my qualifications are easily ascertainable although,
of course, it would not be proper or modest in me to speak of
them, and there is no possibility of my preaching in the church;
if I could get my duty here supplied during my absence, I could
by no means afford to pay the expenses of my journey for that
My views are what
are properly termed ‘evangelical’.
I am not anxious
(far from it) to have Liverpool as a place in which to fulfil
the duties of a minister of Christ; as ‘a prophet is not without
honour except in his own country’, but of course I am desirous,
at as early a period as possible, to obtain independent means of
supporting myself and family, which at present I have great
difficulty in doing’
I had also hoped
that my relationship (provided other points were satisfactory)
would have secured it for me. If, however, it should be given to
another, as I suppose it will, I must learn to believe that it
is God’s will …’
JEG was not offered
the vacant living in Toxteth and another letter to Robertson Gladstone,
dated May 7th 1846, showed that he found it difficult to
accept the decision:
‘I belong to a branch of the Gladstone family
which for some reason or other has been deemed by the rest, for the
most part, either unworthy of, or unfit for, social intercourse with
them… there are few earthly things which would give me more pleasure
than to believe there was a cordial feeling of kindness existing on
the part of the most powerful branch of our family toward us, its
poorest and weakest members.’
In the same letter, JEG
further protested:
‘had I known it was considered essential that
each candidate’s opinion should be gathered from his preaching
in the church, I should never have troubled you with my application
because of the reason before stated … I did fancy there was not a
disposition to do anything to favour my appointment’.
It is obvious that
Robertson Gladstone took offence at JEG’s statements and, in turn,
accused him of being less than honest in his use of expression. On May
13th 1846, JEG replied with equal force:
hope the time will come when you will regret having charged me with
being deficient in candour in my mode of expressing myself – for I
feel the accusation to be most unjust.’
Curacy at St. Mark’s Church, New Lakenham, Norwich: 1846-1851.
Bishop of Norwich, the Rt. Reverend Edward Stanley, licensed JEG to the
Perpetual Curacy of St. Mark’s, New Lakenham, in August 1846. The church
had been consecrated a year earlier and stood within the city of
The new position
was a demanding one. A letter to his cousin Sir Thomas Gladstone,
written by JEG from Newmarket Road (Norwich) on January 7th
1847, showed that
‘… the work
is laborious and the population large and in great part very
ignorant and poor. In consequence of the church not being endowed,
and the whole of the ground floor being free, the stipend is very
small, but I trust likely to improve; and there are a considerable
number of influential persons connected with the church and
district, from which I have received an amount of kindness, support
and encouragement which is most gratifying to me.’
Another letter
written to Sir Thomas Gladstone on June 21st 1847, shows that
JEG continued to oppose the influence of the Oxford Movement and its
political supporters. On behalf of the Protestant electors of Norwich,
he urged Sir Thomas (whom he considered to be ‘a sincere Protestant’) to
stand as a candidate in the next Parliamentary election:
‘it surely
becomes every man who values the Gospel of Christ free from Popish
error, to do what in him lies, whether clergyman or lay, to secure
its defence, where alone, it can, under God, be effectually defended
– that is, in the House of Commons. I have originated,
therefore, from a deep sense of duty, a movement here, which will I
trust be the means of putting out of Parliament the Member who has
helped forward the movement in favour of Romish domination …’
On June 28th
1850, JEG wrote a letter to his uncle, Sir John Gladstone. It is evident
that JEG had applied for the vacant living of St. Andrew’s Church,
Liverpool, but that his application to that city had been unsuccessful
once again. His frustration is directed at Sir John:
‘… you have preferred a stranger before your own
nephew… having a wife and increasing family, I am naturally anxious
to obtain, as speedily as possible, pecuniary advancement in life,
and naturally I looked to those to whom I am related, for any
assistance which it might be in your power to give without detriment
to themselves … you yourself believe me to be not unworthy of, nor
unfitted for, the position I sought at your hands, and therefore you
will, I hope, forgive me for saying I am deeply disappointed, that
you seem neither to have thought my claims upon your assistance
deserved investigation, nor my personal application a direct reply
Sir John’s
written response, dated July 3rd 1850, was short and sharp:
‘I have
received this morning your letter dated 28th
June … the tenor, purpose and language of which is such that I think
it unnecessary to take any further action than to acknowledge it
as unfit’
The 1851 Census showed that JEG remained the incumbent at New Lakenham
and that he lived with his wife, Sarah, and their four children at No. 8
Lakenham Terrace in Norwich. The household also contained an unmarried
servant cook (Sarah Self, aged 32 years of Wymondham), an unmarried
servant nurse (Harriet Parker, aged 16 years of Bedingham) and an
unmarried servant errand boy (James Richardson, aged 15 years of
Long Acre
Episcopal Chapel 1851-1852
Sarah’s death in July1851, JEG seems to have thrown himself into further
controversy. Moving to a new appointment at the Long Acre Episcopal
Chapel in the Diocese of London (a church which had been long
appreciative of evangelical sermons), he wrote, spoke and preached
forcefully and fluently against ‘Tractarianism’ and the Romanising
influence of the Oxford Movement,
and set up the Gladstone Protestant Defence Fund
to further the cause of Protestantism.
His own grandson wrote that JEG was ‘a very determined person … not to
say bigoted, who saw life as black and white, and said so, out loud. He
found himself in the Church of England at a time of some strain, with
Darwin preaching Evolution on one side, and Newman preaching return to
Rome and tradition on the other… Grandfather’s views on a move towards
Rome … Rome was worse than Hell’
One particular
sermon caught the ear of the Bishop of London. JEG referred to the
culpability of the bishops and others in high places for their ‘flirting
with the Vatican’, and denounced the conduct of the Bishop of London in
respect of the Tractarians as being ‘vascillating and
treacherous’. JEG was summoned to appear before Bishop Bloomfield and
was duly unlicensed and forbidden by him from officiating in the
A report in ‘The Monthly Christian Spectator’ (1852) indicated that the
constraint placed upon JEG’s ministry within the Established Church was
far more extensive.
Cross Free Church at St. Marychurch, near Torquay (1852-1857).
In July 1852, the ‘Exeter
Flying Post’ reported that JEG had accepted the freehold charge of the
new Furrough Cross Free Church at St. Marychurch, near Torquay. St.
Marychurch overlooked Babbicombe Bay and was described as ‘a village and
parish about a mile and a half from Torquay containing … a population in
1851 of 2293 inhabitants’. The church, described as ‘a modern building
built in the Gothic style of architecture’
was without endowment and was supported
entirely by voluntary contributions and pew rents. The expense of church
building had been borne principally by the late Sir Culling E. Eardley
and several gentlemen in the neighbourhood. The church had been provided
by them for the use of ‘those of St. Marychurch who, two or three years
previously, had discontinued worshipping in the parish church on account
of the Ritualistic doctrine and worship that had been introduced there’.
The congregation was described as being ‘in
connection with no sect or Dissenting denomination; but in every respect
except that of not being licensed by the bishop, in conformity and
communion with the Church of England’.
JEG’s strong evangelical
Protestant stance at this time distanced him from the Prime Minister who
was ‘heart and soul with the Oxford men’
the Wilderness (1857-1864)
After five years at the Free
Church, JEG’s health gave way and he was ordered to seek hydropathic
treatment at Malvern. He moved to live there with his wife, Anna, and
his youngest child, Laura Edith. His other children were at boarding
school. JEG contacted the local clergy but they were unable to offer him
any opportunities in their churches because of his unlicensed status. He
was, however, eventually encouraged to take Sunday services in an
unconsecrated schoolroom in Malvern.
This was a further period
of financial difficulty for JEG and his family. On April 8th
1861, his wife wrote to Robertson Gladstone for financial assistance:
‘for months past I am
grieved to say the health of my husband, the Reverend John Eddowes
Gladstone, has been much impaired. He has been informed by his
medical advisers that he should at once retire before very serious
consequences might be anticipated. From having to retire for a
season from all ministerial duty, his income is naturally much
diminished – the whole of his church emoluments being required for a
substitute… I must be candid and state to you that his present
pecuniary liabilities amount to upwards of £1200.’
had decided to mortgage her own property for £1000 and members of her
family had also contributed financially. Her letter to Robertson
Gladstone continued:
has been suggested by friends who have been and are interesting
themselves for us, that application should be made to Mr.
Gladstone’s own relations trusting that on their hearing his present
position, they might be induced to come forward at once and assist
in fully clearing him from all pecuniary liabilities’.
Tickenham, near Clevedon, Somerset.
Members of the local clergy
eventually persuaded the Bishop of Bath & Wells to reissue JEG with a
license to officiate within the diocese. In 1864, JEG and Anna moved to
Tickenham (a village some 2 miles south of Nailsea in Somerset) where he
was appointed as curate-in-charge to the church of St. Quiricus and St.
Julietta. Soon after their arrival, in May 1864, Anna died aged 50
Euphemia Harris (of
Brookfield, Braunton, in Devon) was a member of the congregation at
Tickenham. JEG married her on September 28th 1865 and their
family grew in size quite rapidly.
They soon discovered that the cost of another family was more than a
curate’s stipend could bear and, reluctantly JEG approached his cousin,
the Prime Minister, to request a Crown living. This was a courageous
move because the cousins had differed politically and theologically for
more than two decades. Nevertheless, the Prime Minister consented and,
in July 1870, JEG succeeded the Reverend Benjamin Wright
as the Vicar of St. Matthew’s Church in Wolverhampton.
His ministry at Wolverhampton
The Gladstone family moved
from rural Somerset to industrial Wolverhampton. The contrast was
JEG’s son (John Ernest
Gladstone, 1867-1954) wrote as follows:
‘ I have no real
recollection of anything prior to going to Wolverhampton, but the
change from the pleasant country to the squalid conditions which
existed at St. Matthew’s must have been almost unbearable. This
parish was the poorest in the town, no one in its 6-7000 inhabitants
being above the standing of small shopkeeper. Ironworks and furnaces
were all around our house and the noise of the steam hammers was
almost continuous day and night! We quickly became accustomed
to and quite ignored these drawbacks, but they weighed heavily on
any visitor’.
‘we children were very
happy though the churchyard was our only playground, and even that
was filthy with smoke from all the chimneys round’
many years we spent our summer holidays at ‘Brookfield, Braunton,
where our Grandparents Harris lived. The change of scene from St.
Matthew’s to the country village, which Braunton then was, gave us a
tremendous thrill and we used to count the days for many weeks
Only sketchy details of
JEG’s ministry at St. Matthew’s are known.
He continued to adopt a strongly Evangelical
Protestant position throughout his long ministry, sternly resisting at
every opportunity the influence of the ‘Oxford Movement’. He remained
uncompromising, and eminently conservative in all his actions. He
rejected ritualism and tradition within the church and ‘it will be a
surprise to no one to learn that there was no cross observable in his
church, no floral decorations on the altar, and the services of an
excellent choir and organist were little utilised’.
Some of his uncompromising nature is reflected in the following passage
written by his own son, John Ernest Gladstone:
‘My father was a man of
very strong opinions, and it seemed to me rather pugnacious in
expressing them. He was, in religious matters narrow and puritanical
and fought with all his might the Oxford Movement and the
ritualistic changes which it sought to bring about; but he was a
deeply pious and Godly man, and in his private life a most kind and
courteous one. He made enemies, but was very widely respected and
indeed beloved. No one ever had a kinder parent than he was to us’.
letter to William Ewart Gladstone, dated December 1872 and written from
the St. Matthew vicarage in Horseley Fields, confirms his firm adherence
to evangelical doctrine in the face of emergent arguments by various
Biblical scholars and political agitators. In the letter he
thanked his cousin, the Prime Minister, for publicly opposing the views
expressed by the influential German theologian and philosopher, Dr.
David Friedrick Strauss
. JEG believed that Strauss’ views were
indefensible and dangerous, and that such a clear challenge to Christian
faith needed to be fiercely resisted.
JEG himself provided
written evidence that his own ministry at St. Matthew’s church was an
energetic one. In a letter written in 1880 to the Bishop of Lichfield
, he indicated that
we have five
services, either in the Church or Rooms, every week … the vicar and
have divided these services between them
… we have a Scripture Reader partly supported by a Grant of the
Church Pastoral Aid Society, partly by Messers George and Henry
Baker, and myself … we have a most active, devoted and painstaking
Bible woman, paid partly by subscriptions and to a very considerable
extent, by myself … we have twenty volunteer visitors and Tract
distributors. Under my personal supervision and direction, we have
two Mothers’ meetings and Benefit Societies which meet twice a week
for devotional exercises, Scripture and other profitable reading,
for sewing , and paying in their money … the aggregate number of
these women whose husbands are of the labouring class is 200. I
believe I am within the mark when I say there is no parish in this
town or neighbourhood which can compare with us in this respect. We
have a Women’s Burial Club at Monmore Green,
consisting of about 200 members. We have good and flourishing Sunday
Schools on both sides of the parish with a staff of 32 teachers. We
have a Band of Hope with 120 juvenile members…’
Parochial schools were of
utmost importance to the nineteenth century evangelical clergy, and JEG
was no exception. Such schools were regarded as the essential recruiting
ground for the young to be won over to the Christian faith. Education
was very largely religious in purpose and schools were largely
controlled by various religious institutions. In October 1874, JEG
offered to sell the St. Matthew’s Church School (in nearby Swan Street)
to the newly formed Wolverhampton Board of Education
. The Board declined the offer for legal and other
reasons, and JEG notified the Board that he intended to close the
School. The Board then decided to erect a new school further along the
Willenhall Road and to take over the operation of the St. Matthew’s
church school as a Board school pending the construction of those on
Willenhall Road. In 1874 the school had three teachers and 540 children.
There is evidence to indicate
that the Gladstone family changed their residential arrangements during
the late 1870s. His son recalled that ‘after Edward my youngest brother
was born (in 1876), my mother was very ill for a long time and
eventually the Bishop gave my father a license to live outside the
parish. A house – No. 5 Clifton Terrace, was taken and we all moved
there, a very pleasant change as it was situated on the West side of the
town instead of the dismal, noisy and slummy east side where St.
Matthew’s was’
. Clifton Terrace was located off Clifton
Street in Chapel Ash. The Population Census, however, shows that by
1881, JEG, Euphemia and their five children lived in Newhampton Road,
Wolverhampton The household also consisted of an unmarried domestic
servant named Ellen Mills (aged 25 years of Wheaton Aston,
Staffordshire) and an unmarried cook/domestic servant named Ann Hewin
(aged 32 years of Wolverhampton). It is probable, although not certain,
that the family remained at this address until JEG’s resignation as
vicar of St. Matthew.
There is no uncertainty at
all about the strained nature of the relationship between JEG and his
Diocesan Bishop by 1880. A strongly worded 32-page open letter written
by JEG to the Rt. Revd. William Dalrymple MacLagan showed the vicar’s
determination to defend himself, and the clergy of other parishes,
against what he viewed as his Bishop’s injustice and abuse of episcopal
The letter showed that the
Bishop had appointed an Episcopal Commission to enquire into the conduct
of the parish of St. Matthew and its vicar. Although the reasons for
doing so remain unclear, there is a suggestion that the Bishop believed
that JEG’s ministerial duties were being ‘inadequately performed’. In
response, JEG implied that the Commission had been appointed because the
Bishop had lost the Right of Patronage
and because he (JEG) and the five new trustees at
St. Matthew had opposed a Diocesan plan to reorganise the parish and to
incorporate the Monmore Green district within the ecclesiastical parish
of All Saints
. The church of All Saints had been newly
consecrated in 1879.
Whatever the true reason, JEG
took exception to the Episcopal Commission. He viewed it as ‘a cruel and
unkind stretch of episcopal authority’ which affected the rights,
independence and well-being of parish clergy. He accused the Bishop of
setting in motion ‘a fearful engine of episcopal injustice and tyranny’.
His letter continued:
‘I have told you privately, I now tell you
publicly, that in my judgement, your procedure was both cruel and
foolish – cruel because without any real offence on my part, you
could if you succeeded in your purpose, mulct (sic.) me in a very
serious annual sum, say £150 per annum, and thus rob my wife and
children of their means of support, and my children of the education
which it is my duty to give them – and foolish because, successful
or unsuccessful, it would bring you not a hairsbreadth nearer your
object, of gaining Monmore Green’
JEG protested that he was
being personally persecuted and that the Commission - consisting of five
clergymen, four of whom had been appointed by the Bishop – was
prejudiced. The presiding Commissioner had been a Rural Dean and his
questions had been ‘uncalled for, impertinent, inquisitorial and
offensive not only in themselves, but also in the sharp, harsh and
domineering manner in which they were proposed’
In response to the allegation
that his ministerial duties were being inadequately performed, JEG
‘… taking into account
the nature and difficulties of my parish, there is not one in the
town or neighbourhood, perhaps in the Diocese, that has more
efficient machinery, or machinery in more effective working order
than St. Matthew’s’
In other
paragraphs of the letter, JEG revealed his own ministerial credentials,
and contrasted these with those of his accusers:
‘My Lord, I
am not a Bishop like your Lordship, but I am a much older man than
you are – and as I have been much longer in Holy Orders, I am sure,
I have had much wider as well as much more extended ministerial
experience than yourself. I take upon myself therefore, with, I hope
proper respect for your office, and at the same time with all
faithfulness as a Christian presbyter, to express my unhesitating
conviction, that you have departed flagrantly from the rules laid
down by the Lord Jesus Christ, your Master, as well as mine – you
have cast aside the exhortations and inspired direction given to
Bishops by the Apostle Paul – and you have forgotten and broken your
own consecration vows. Instead of allowing mercy to temper justice,
you have attempted to visit me with what you no doubt esteemed
justice, but it was justice without mercy'
‘In this Commission you have appointed two young
men to sit in judgement on me, who, I suppose, have scarcely been in
the world longer than I have been in the Ministry…it appears to me
an unseemly proceeding … that men young enough to be my sons should
be placed in a position to sit in judgement upon me … my Lord, I do
not think any impartial person will give you credit for acted in
this manner’
JEG ended his letter through
a further attack on the way in which the Bishop had exercised his
authority, and by alerting clergy in other parishes of the Bishop’s
powers. The following are further extracts from the letter:
‘ My Lord, in your consecration you were asked by
the Archbishop ‘will you maintain and set forward, as much as shall
lie in you, quietness, love and peace among all men?’ and you
answered, ‘I will do so, by the help of God’ … in the same
consecration service you were exhorted by the Archbishop in these
words – ‘be to the flock of Christ a shepherd, not a wolf’ … my
Lord, these are not the principles, as I judge, upon which you have
acted towards me: you have shown to me more of the wolf, in this
matter, than the shepherd, and I hereby warn the whole body of the
Clergy, that what you have done to me (if they happen to offend you,
or decline to do anything you desire them to do) upon the slightest
and most insufficient pretext, you have the same power to do to them
‘my Lord, I find your conduct towards me to be
the very reverse of all your loving and affectionate episcopal
address, and when you send to me, as you have lately done, as to the
rest of the clergy, a circular, in which you come crying to me
saying ‘my dear brother’, at the very time you are endeavouring to
persecute me by law, I keenly feel that if the voice is Jacob’s
voice, the hands are very rough and uncommonly like the hands
of Esau’
‘In common law, we, the clergy, are your equals,
and were I as ready as your Lordship to rush into law, I should at
once threaten you with an action for libel and deformation of
character, because you have brought against me to the serious injury
of my character, as I believe, upon mere tittle-tattle, and not on
your knowledge, for I am not aware that you have ever been in my
parish, and I am persuaded that personally you know nothing
about it, except what you have gathered from my own anwers to your
visitation questions, and from the tittle-tattle aforesaid’.
I do take upon me to predict, that if your
Lordship persists in taking this course of issuing a Commission
under this Act, in every case in which any of your presbyters
conscientiously decline to do anything you desire at his hands, that
as surely as night follows the day, contentment, peace and
prosperity will spread their wings to leave your diocese, and seek
their abodes in other and more favoured regions. For yourself I will
predict incessant turmoil and care – your clergy will not submit to
be beaten like boys – but between you and them will rise up
perpetual strife – and the mutual confidence and Christian love
which ought to subsist between the Bishop and the Presbyters amongst
whom he dwells will dissolve and disappear’.
The outcome of the
Commission’s enquiry into JEG’s ministry in the parish is not known. We
do know that JEG remained in office at the church of St. Matthew for a
number of years and that the Monmore Green district (and, later, the
church of St. Silas) indeed remained closely attached to the parish well
into the twentieth century
JEG resigned his benefice
at St. Matthew on November 9th 1889 (at the age of 75 years)
due to indifferent health. He then lived in retirement with his family
in Tettenhall until 1895
. He spent the last six years of his life with
Euphemia at their new residence in Braunton, Devon, overlooking
Barnstable Bay. It was there, on May 5th 1901, that JEG died
of heart failure, aged 87 years.
His widow, Euphemia, their
five children and her four stepchildren survived him. Euphemia died in
1925. Her remains are believed to have been buried in the cemetery of
St. Brannock’s Church, Braunton.
There is no known image of the Revd. John
Gladstone. Photos of the St. Matthew's church he knew are scarce.
This photo of the church, shortly before demolition, is by courtesy of
the Wolverhampton City Archives. |
Lucilla Alicia
(1844-1921), Francis Edward (1845-1928), James (1846), Cecil
Ernest (1847-1909) Laura Edith (1849-?) and Frederick (1850).
Lucilla was born in Carlisle, the others at Norwich. Both James
and Frederick died in their infancy.
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