My brother Jim. |
We had to wash in a bowl in the sink in the back kitchen, often in cold
water. I cannot remember cleaning my teeth with a toothbrush. We put
some cooking salt in the palm of our hand, dipped a forefinger in and
rubbed our teeth and gums with it.
Dad always cut the boys' hair, but he was against me having my locks
cut off when the fashion became a 'bob'. I often asked him to cut my
long curls off, or let me go to the nearby barber to have it done. One
evening, I think I was in my early teens, Dad gave in to my latest plea
and at 8-00am next morning I was sitting in the barber's chair. No more
plaits or lost ribbons! After that, Dad trimmed my hair regularly. On
the occasion he took too much off, I joined the fashion of having a
'semi-shingle' or even an 'Eton crop'.