The Elwell-Parker
The Wolverhampton Electric Light, Power,
Storage and Engineering Company is now manufacturing and selling a new
storage battery, of which very little has yet been heard. This
battery appears, as far as can be judged, to promise well.
We assume that our readers are familiar
with the general theory of the storage battery, which has,
indeed, been very fully set forth in our pages by Professor
Oliver Lodge. It will suffice to add here that augmentation of
surface in the lead plates is most desirable, and has been
earnestly sought for by all recent inventors of, storage
Some time ago M. Planté made the remarkable
discovery that lead will absorb nitric acid. It not merely
attacks the outside of the plates, but penetrates their
substance, and a lead plate, after immersion in nitric acid, and
being subsequently apparently quite dried, will for hours give
off nitrous acid fumes if placed before the fire. The effect of
the acid is to render the lead porous, although no considerable
increase in bulk is apparent; and in this way the effective
surface of the plates is enormously increased.
About the same time that M. Planté made
this discovery, Mr. Bedford. Elwell and Mr. Parker, of
Wolverhampton, hit on nearly the same thing. They found that by
immersing lead plates in a dilute mixture of nitric and
sulphuric acid, very important advantages were secured. M.
Planté and Messrs. Elwell and Parker patented their inventions
about the same time, and now work together.
The method of making the Elwell-Parker
secondary battery may be thus described: Strips of sheet lead 9
inches wide and any convenient length, weighing 2 lb. to the
square foot; are passed through a machine which first punches
holes entirely through them and then impresses them with
indentations, which act as distance pieces to keep the layers of
each plate apart. The holes secure a free circulation to the
electrolyte. These strips are then rolled spirally into
cylinders containing, in the small cells, three thicknesses of
plate each, the joints being made secure by fusing with a
soldering iron, and an anode of much thicker lead being fused on
at the same time.
Each cell contains eight of these cylinders ¼ inch apart. The
lead cylinders are first placed in a bath containing a dilute
solution of nitric and sulphuric add, and left there for
twenty-four hours. The effect of this bath is to minutely
honeycomb the lead plates, putting them into the most favourable
condition for “formation” by the electric current. There is also
formed upon the surface of the plates a deposit of sulphate of
lead, the greater part of which is subsequently reduced to
peroxide, part of it being first washed off. The plates on being
taken from the bath are washed, and then placed in the ordinary
dilute sulphuric acid solution in the cell. They are then
charged in one direction for six hours with a current of 12
amperes, discharged in about three hours through ten Swan 45
volt, 20-candle lamps. Twenty-two cells give 45 volts, and
charged again in the reverse direction. They are then ready for
use. There is then no sulphate visible, the peroxide plate being
a rich, dark brown colour, of smooth, hard, crystalline
appearance, and the negative plate presenting a clean surface of
ordinary lead colour.
The accompanying engraving shows one cell
and a portion of another, coupled by clamping the electrodes
together. The plates or cylinders are retained in position by
notched vulcanite frames underneath, and notched distance pieces
of the same material on the top, thus leaving the entire apace
between the plates and a space underneath them open for the free
circulation of the electrolyte. The period occupied from the
cutting-up of the lead strips to the complete charging of the
battery ready to send out is only 48 hours. Earthenware cells
are generally used, but the company manufacturing under the
patent also uses wood cells, coated inside with a composition of
gutta-percha., which are preferable where strength and lightness
are required.
The quantity these cells will give out at
an electromotive force of 2 volts, or rather more, same as the
original Planté cell, is about 40 ampere hours when sent from the
works, that is, supposing an accumulator is required to give a
current at an electromotive force of 45 volts, twenty-two of
these cells will give a current of 10 amperes for four hours
before any of the cells “give out.” But the capacity of the cell
may be greatly increased by occasionally reversing the charging
current, as in the original Planté cell. The cells are packed in
small cases of three cells, carpet being slipped between the
plates. They seem to travel safely thus.
In Mr. Elwell's country house at Albrighton, near
Wolverhampton, there are two sets of twenty-four cells
each, placed in the corner of the cellar, and charged
twice a week during the daytime by a Siemens dynamo SDI,
worked direct by Elwell and Parker's 3 horsepower
high-speed engine, giving 120 revolutions per minute at
a steam pressure of 35 lb. About this curious engine
we shall have more to say. The gardener attends to the
fire, which requires stoking twice an hour, no other
attention being required, as the engine is self oiling,
and the boiler is fed by a regulated injector. |
In case the boiler be forgotten, and the
steam goes down, there is a simple self-acting arrangement in
the circuit, by means of which the current is cut off the
battery and shunted through a resistance coil. As soon as the
steam rises again the current is shunted back again. This also
acts in case the engine be stopped without first breaking the
circuit. Five hours work of the engine twice a week, once a week
at this time of the year, is sufficient for the lighting of the
whole house on ordinary occasions, and a single lamp is often
kept on all night. There are about sixty 20 candle lamps wired,
and, when required, the whole sixty can be kept up for two or
three hours at once by means of engine, and accumulators working
together, but, as a rule, five or six 20 candle lamps suffice.
The working expenses of this installation cannot exceed 4
shillings a week, common slack being used in the boiler, and the
wear and tear is extremely small. As far as can be ascertained
after six months use of the cells, there seems to be very little
doubt but that they will last as long as the original Planté
cells, many of which have been in use for twenty years or more
without any visible deterioration.
On Saturday week we had an opportunity of
seeing a complete installation at work lighting a private house
at Bush Hill Park, between Edmonton and Enfield, about nine
miles from Liverpool Street. This park has been built upon most
judiciously by Mr. Tayler Smith, and is one of the most
beautiful places near London. Mr. Smith determined that the
place should be made to retain its rural character as much as
possible, and no gas is laid on, the intention being to
ultimately light the whole by electricity. There is a private
waterworks, with a pumping station about three quarters of a
mile from Mr. Smith's house. The pumping engines are
sufficiently powerful to pump, in a couple of days, a week’s
supply of water, and it has been determined to utilise these
engines in lighting all the houses in the park.
As a preliminary, an Edison D machine was
put down at the waterworks, and Messrs. Edison fitted up Mr.
Smith's house with wires; but it was quickly found that the
fluctuations in the current were so great, owing to the
irregular action of the engines when pumping, that the lights
rose and fell, and it became evident that some kind of storage
must be used, if for no other purpose than as a regulator. As an
experiment Mr. Smith has fitted his house with an installation
of fifty-four Elwell-Parker cells.
These are arranged on shelves in a species
of small pantry opening into the garden. This pantry is about
8ft. long, 6ft. wide, and 8ft. high. One side and the end
opposite the door are fitted with shelves. On the remaining wall
is placed a switchboard, controlling the flow of electricity
from the waterworks, and from the battery into the dwelling
house. By the aid of a multiple switch any number of cells may
be used as required, from half a dozen up to the whole
A cell was taken to pieces for our
inspection, and we found the lead plates presenting clear, clean
smooth surfaces, while the “made” plates, as we may call them,
were, as we have stated, coated with a thick brown deposit of
peroxide of lead strongly adherent and showing no tendency to
fall off. The arrangement of the battery is very workmanlike and
convenient. A cell can be taken to pieces and put together again
in about two minutes, and the way in which the cylinders are put
together gives great stiffness and prevents deflection or
bending, while the plates being free to expand or contract can
do so without loosing their shape, which is much more than can
be said of some other batteries. Tests showed that the
electromotive force is rather in excess of 2 volts per cell. The
lamps used for us by Mr. Smith are 110 volts Edison, but he has
also 8-candle Edison, and many kinds of Swan lamps in his house.
Mr. Tayler Smith has devised a virtually
new system of lighting, and the fittings which he uses are
extremely ingenious. At another time we shall describe them more
minutely. It must suffice for the present to say that they are
all movable, and that various points of attachment are provided
throughout the house. In this way the difficulty of knowing what
to charge the consumer is got over. A safety cut out under lock
and key is provided by the company supplying the current. The
consumer is supplied with a certain number of lights, say
twenty, and he pays so much a year per light, but there may be
as many as a hundred points of attachment provided, and the
twenty lights can be distributed at will. Thus, for example, let
us suppose that eight lights are used in the dining and drawing
room. One light in each room is a fixture. The remaining six may
all be hung up in the dining room during dinner, and removed to
the drawing room subsequently.
When the family retire for the night, each
takes a lamp with him, and striking a match when he reaches his
room, he finds the place whereon to hang his lamp, and he has
immediately a light of twenty, sixteen, or eight candles, as the
case may be. Each lamp is provided with the usual thumb spring,
so that it may be extinguished without taking it off the wall.
Should a dishonest householder attempt to use more than the
legitimate number of lights, he will fuse the safety-plug under
lock and key, and defeat his own object. We need scarcely say
that we have done no more than give an inadequate idea of the
system; the success of it depends on details, and these have all
been worked out in a way which is full of promise. The whole
principle is excellent.
We have thus a complete installation,
suitable for lighting a house of any dimensions from a central
station, within easy distance of London. We have had, of course
no opportunity of testing the Elwell-Parker battery for months,
but we have reason to doubt the strict accuracy of the
statements which have been made to us concerning it, and what we
saw has very favourably impressed us.
That the system has the approbation of the
veteran electrician M. Planté, is of course a strong point in
its favour. As to the cost of the battery and rate of
production, we may say that the company is at present turning
out not more than 100 cells weekly, but is preparing its works
for making three or four times this quantity. The company is
trying some cells upon a very large scale with suspended plates,
taking care, of course, that the weight is not sufficient to
cause the plates to stretch. These plates it is proposed to
place in brick cisterns, lined with the same composition used in
coating the wood cells which the company lately discovered to be
very valuable for the purpose. |