The Cast:
Muriel Angelus, George Bowler, Rudolph Brandt, Anna Brunton,
Winifred Comstock, Gordon Croker, Hermione Darnborough,
Edwin Ellis, Anthony Eustrel, Raymond Farrell, Charles
Fletcher, Friday Fowler, George Gerhardt,
Michael Grahame, Natasha Gregorova, Arthur Hardy, Robert
Hine, Leon Hochloff, Ronnie Hyde, Leila M. Lada,
Eric Marshall, Stanley Medhurst, Clifford Mollison, Clifford
Morgan, Cleo Nordi, Bennett O Loghlen, John Pierre,
Bonnie Roberts, Jerrold Robertshaw, Dorothy Seacombe, June
Seymour, Thelma Sheehan, Edward Stuart,
Roger Treville, Leo Von Pokorny, Betty Warren, Margaret
Withers, and Andrew Wolkowsky.
31st May - Clifford starred in African Dawn playing the
part of MacNeil his son Philip also starred.
Pantomime - Clifford played Abanazar in Fred Collins'
Aladdin at the Edinburgh Royal.
21st December for three weeks - Pantomime - Clifford
played The Joker in Fred Collins' Queen of Hearts at the
Tivoli, Aberdeen.
Pantomime - Clifford played The Joker in Fred Collins'
Queen of Hearts at the Dundee Palace.
December to March - Pantomime - Clifford played Abanazar
in Fred Collins' Aladdin at the Pavilion, Glasgow.
1st October, Clifford is recovering in the Royal
Infirmary, Edinburgh, following a serious operation.
December to February - Pantomime - Clifford played
Abanazar in Fred Collins' Aladdin at the Edinburgh Royal.
December to March - Pantomime - Clifford appeared
in Stewart Cruikshank's Goldilocks & the Three Bears at the
King’s Theatre, Edinburgh, produced by Charles Ross.
4th August - Clifford appeared in Charles Ross's
revue, 'Half Past Eight' at the King’s Theatre, Edinburgh.
On 13th December Clifford appeared in Puss in Boots
at the Pavilion, Glasgow, and in December to March appeared
in Stewart Cruikshank's Goldilocks & the Three Bears at the
Royal, Newcastle, produced by Charles Ross.
6a.m. on 14th December at 1009 Sauchehail Street,
Glasgow, Clifford passed away at the age of 70. The death
certificate indicates that he had been suffering from bowel
cancer for 4 years and had an inflamed heart for the
previous six months.
Until his death in 2000, his son Philip placed an 'In
Memory' advertisement in the December issue of the stage.
The address is Glasgow is no longer there, but this area was
close to the theatre and properties in this street would
have provided the sort of digs actors would have stayed-in,
whilst working. Was Clifford living in Glasgow, or was he
rehearsing the 1947 pantomime season when he sang his final