The tower with date stone in the form of two terracotta
tiles. |
Mrs. V. A. Bellingham, of Wednesfield, writes that her
mother, May Thomas, nee Vaughan, left school in 1924 at the age of 14,
and went to work with her sister for Thomas Howell, at first in Thornley
Street and then in these premises.
She worked for them until
around 1934. She says that there were rolls of suiting material
kept there and that customers would visit to order their suit material
which was then made up for them. The boss was a Mr. Burden and a
Mr. Dando was the manager.
In later years it had many uses, including, it seems,
making bicycles.
It was derelict for very many years but has now been
restored as a pub on the ground floor and lofts above. The
building was opened for these new uses in 2001.