Wolverhampton's Listed Buildings

How to propose a building
for local listing

Wolverhampton contains many buildings that do not meet the national criteria for inclusion in the statutory list, and are still worthy of protection and conservation in their own right. Such a building may be of architectural importance, a rare example of a specific type of building, associated with the historical development of its area or associated with a particular historical event or person.

Local listing does not only apply to buildings, but can also apply to parks, gardens, burial grounds or archaeological sites.

If you want to make a suggestion for an addition to the local list, all that you have to do is to obtain and complete, a Wolverhampton Local List Proposal Form, from the Regeneration and Transportation Department on the second floor of the Civic Centre.

If you do fill-in a form, be sure to include some historical information along with suitable references.

The local list proposal form.

Here is a summary of the criteria

What makes a building special?
1. I
t is a good example of a particular style of architecture.
It is a good example of the work of a particular architect.
It is a rare example of a type of building - chapel, workshop, public house.
4. I
t is built of distinctive materials - terracotta, local sandstone.
5. I
t occupies an important place in the street - a corner, high point.
6. It is associated with an historic event or person.

What makes a park or garden special?
1. It is a good example of a particular period or style of landscape design .
2. Structures and plantings such as trees survive well .
3. It forms the setting of an important building.
4. It is associated with an important event or person in history.
5. It is an important element of the historical development of the area village green, public park, burial ground.

What makes an archaeological site special?
1. Remains survive well - structures, earthworks, artifacts .
2. There are good documentary records and evidence .
3. It is a rare surviving example of a particular type of monument .
4. It is visible or accessible to local people .

Completed forms or other enquiries should be addressed to:

Regeneration and Transportation
Conservation and Urban Design Section
Civic Centre
St Peter's Square
Wolverhampton, WV1 1 RP
Tel: 01902 555617 /25/ 22