Listing: Late C18. Included for group value.
Comment: The list does not say what group it is that has the
value. It may be a grouping with Bushbury Hall which is just to the right of
this photo and even with Bushbury Church which is just to the right of that. Or
it may be some notion that the buildings themselves form a group with each
other. But it doesn't matter much. The set of buildings seem to have been
built all at the same time and are a good example of the kind of farm
improvement that was common in the area at the time. The buildings are
also set in some of the last remaining fields in Bushbury which was, almost
until the 1930s, an entirely agricultural parish. They are an important reminder
of this history. Together with the hall and the church they form an old
and rural scene in what is now almost entirely a suburban parish.
Planning permission exists for the conversion of these
buildings into residential accommodation. That now seems
to be the fate - and the only way of saving - isolated barns.
The plans look pretty good and at the time of writing (September
2006) the land is being marketed.