Wolverhampton's Locally Listed Buildings

89 Woodland Avenue

Listing: 89 Woodland Avenue, Tettenhall Wood.

Comment:  Currently combined as one dwelling, this property appears to have originated as two or more cottages that were once located on the northern side of Tettenhall Wood common. Although much altered in the 20th century that part of the building lying closest to Woodland Avenue, which was laid out in the inter-war period, is of local red sandstone construction and hence a rarity in Wolverhampton.

A sandstone quarry is recorded in Tettenhall Wood in the mid 17th century and this could indicate an early date for this building. It is likely to have been a low status building and hence its survival is all the more important.

A comparison may be made with the stone cutters hovel which was relocated to the Black Country Museum from a quarry near Bilston. Further research is required but inclusion on the local list is recommended on the evidence available.