Comment: Apparently built as a pub, presumably
to serve the Bradmore area that was being developed by both council and
private housing. In recent years it has been various sorts of
restaurant, the name of the chain changing with some frequency. In
2002 it survived an application for planning permission to demolish it and
to replace it (and the house behind it) with a supermarket. Such a
development was inappropriate for the area, did not seem to meet traffic
needs and would have been an eyesore. It also turned out that people
rather liked the building, perhaps not just because they were familiar with
it and it had become part of the familiar scene, but also because its
quirkiness gave a bit of a lift to the area. I suppose the dominant
style is tudorbethan, with that applied half timbering and, perhaps, those
stone mullioned windows; but where on earth the doorcase heads came
from, one does not know.
The building stands on a busy junction and is well worth