Wolverhampton's Locally Listed Buildings

Letter Box in Queen Street

Local ListingA large cylindrical Victorian letter box painted red with a black base. The main body of the pillar box is inscribed with the scrolled Royal cipher 'VR' and, above, the words POST OFFICE are embossed on either side of the narrow horizontal opening for letters.

In 1840 Rowland Hill suggested the idea of roadside letter boxes for Britain. The first pillar box on the British mainland was erected in 1853 but cylindrical boxes did not appear until 1879. The early boxes had no royal cipher and are known as 'anonymous' boxes. This oversight was corrected from 1887 when the words POST OFFICE were also placed either side of the aperture.

This box probably dates from c1890 and has considerable local interest. It makes a valuable contribution to the character and appearance of Queen Street.

Comment:  The local listing says it all.  There is another listed early "anonymous" pillar box in the city at Goldthorn Hill (qv).