Wolverhampton Listed Buildings

Northycote Farmhouse
attached cart sheds and cow house
Underhill Lane, Bushbury


Listing:  Farmhouse, now two units, and attached cartshed and cow house.  c.1600 with C18 additions and early C19 rebuilding; restored 1980s.  Timber framed range ....

Literature:  Alex Chatwin, Bushbury Parish and People. Click here for relevant section of online edition, containing considerable detail of this building and its history.

Comment:  The spelling of this farm's name varies. Alex Chatwin settled for Northicote; Wolverhampton City Council, the present owners, seem to favour Northycote. 

The house was fully restored in the late 80s.  The farm buildings (some of which appear in the photo below) were also restored.  A considerable area of land around was turned into a working farm with open land beyond. 

The house itself is a good example of how an old house changes over time.  The whole complex is an important reminder of the fact that Bushbury parish was almost entirely rural and agricultural until after the Great War.  Suburbia now stretches to within a few hundred yards of the farm but beyond it stretch miles of Staffordshire farm land. 

The garden (right) is an effective mix of cottage and knot styles. 

The house is opened by the Friends of Northycote Farm, a very energetic and effective group of volunteers who, in 2006, won a Green Pennant for their efforts in running the whole site. 

There is a very good cafe in the stable block, open every day.  Many events take place there, under the auspices of the city council.  The photo (right) shows line dancing in the farmyard.

Near the farmyard are enclosures containing small farm yard animals and, beyond that, fields with real cows in them.  The whole complex is a great asset to this north-western area of Wolverhampton and is very well used.