contributions are welcome. They can be of almost any sort,
from single pages of text to old prints and photographs,
and in any form, from handwritten to computer discs and CDROMS etc.
If you have researched your family
history, and have Wolverhampton connections, please let
me have a copy, with copies of any photos you may have.
There might be someone out there from your family who is
unknown to you, and may see your history on this site.
They can then get in touch with you or me, and
significantly add to it.
I cannot however answer any
enquiries regarding your family history research. Please
contact the appropriate archives or family history
researcher, who you should be able to find on Google. I
am a local historian and not a genealogist, and although
I endeavour to reply to all emails, I sometimes find it
difficult to cope with the large number of genealogy
enquiries that I receive. I’m sure you will realise that
maintaining this website is extremely time consuming and
I just do not have the time or the resources to be able to help.
If you can
contribute anything to the website, please
contact the Webmaster at: