Pickles and Preserves

Lemon Curd

1 lb. loaf sugar. 3 lemons.
0.25 lb. butter. 6 eggs.

Mode. To the butter put the sugar, 6 eggs, well beaten; (leaving out two whites), the peel of two lemons, grated; and juice of three lemons. Put all into a nice brass pan, and simmer until it is dissolved and looks like honey.

Mrs. Beck, Kerrera, Tettenhall Road.

6 Seville oranges. 3 lemons.
9 sweet oranges.

Mode. Cut in halves and squeeze out juice, then cut up finely, and to every pound of fruit add three pints of water and let it stand for 24 hours; then boil until one third boiled away, and stand it aside for 24 hours; after which boil again, adding one and a quarter pounds of sugar to one pint of fruit.

Nurse Gibson, Queen Victoria Nursing Institution, Bath Road.


Angel Pudding

2 ozs. flour. 0.5 pint new milk.
2 ozs. powdered sugar. 2 eggs.
2 ozs. butter.

Mode. Melt the butter in the milk, mix all well together, bake in small pattypans until nicely browned. A little powdered sugar should be sifted over each pudding, and slices of lemon served with them. The eggs must be well beaten.

Mrs. Shelton, Waterloo Road.

Fig Pudding
0.5 lb. figs (chopped). 1 egg.
0.5 lb. bread crumbs. 0.25 lb. brown sugar.
6 ozs. suet. 1 teacupful milk.

Mode. Mix well, and boil for two and a quarter hours.

Mrs. Perkins, 46 Compton Road.


Browning for Gravies

0.25 lb. butter. 1 quart boiling water.
0.5 lb. lump sugar.

Mode. Put the butter and sugar into a frying pan, let them simmer until burnt brown; then pour the boiling water, let it boil until all is dissolved. When cold, bottle for use.

Miss Nickolson, District Nurses, Home.

Salad Dressing
1 wineglassful salad oil. 2 teaspoonsful salt
1.5 wineglassful vinegar. 4 teaspoonsful powdered sugar.
1.5 wineglassful milk or cream. 0.25 eggspoonful cayenne pepper.
2 teaspoonsful mustard yolk of 1 egg.

Mode. Beat the egg, add salad oil, stirring continually, likewise cream, and lastly vinegar. Mix other ingredients into a paste, with a little of the above mixture, then add the remainder, and transfer to a bottle. Shake well together.

Miss Warmington, The Westleys.


Mock Crab

2 good sized tomatoes. A piece of butter - size of a walnut.
2 eggs. A little pepper and salt.

Mode. Peel tomatoes, cut them into slices, put in saucepan with a little pepper, salt and piece of butter, stew until tender, then add two well-beaten eggs; stir until it thickens, dish up on hot buttered toast.

Mrs. Hinde, Mowbray House.

Tomato Rarebit
Butter (the size of an egg). Pinch pepper
2 or 3 tomatoes. Salt
2 tablespoonsful grated cheese. Yolk of an egg.

Mode. Put the butter and tomatoes in a saucepan, on the fire, and stir till they are hot through. Then add cheese, pepper, salt, and egg, well beaten. Stir for one or two minutes over the fire, and turn out on hot toast.

Mrs. Bishton, Bath Road.


Cabbage Soup

1 small cabbage. 0.25 teaspoonful pepper.
1 teaspoonful parsley. 1 pint milk.
1 oz. butter. 1.5 pints boiling water.
1 onion. 1 tablespoonful crushed tapioca.
1 teaspoonful salt.

Mode. Put on a large saucepan of water to boil, shred the cabbage, and put it into boiling water to blanch for  five minutes. Then strain the cabbage and return to the saucepan, with the butter. Then add boiling water, milk, onion and seasoning. Bring this to the boil, and cook it for 45 minutes, shake in the crushed tapioca, and boil for 10 minutes. Put the chopped parsley into the tureen and pour the boiling soup on it.

Mrs. Deanesly, Claremont, Penn Road.

Cream of Artichoke Soup
1 lb. artichokes. 1 quart white stock.
2 onions. Pepper and salt.
1 oz. butter. 0.5 gill cream.
1 oz. flour.

Mode. Peel and wash artichokes, cut in slices with the onions. Put in a stew pan with the butter, and fry for 10 minutes with the lid on the pan; then dust over with flour, and over all pour the stock, stirring as you pour it. Boil for an hour and then rub it through a sieve; season with pepper and salt. Re-heat, and last of all stir in the cream. Enough for six persons; average cost, eightpence. This is a thick soup, and very delicious.

Miss Alice Guest, Tettenhall Road.


Toronto Pudding

2 ozs. butter. 1 egg.
2 ozs. castor sugar. 0.5 teacupful milk.

Mode. Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add egg, well beaten and milk. Sift-in enough flour to make a stiff batter. Cover the centre of a dinner plate with stewed apples, or other fruit, butter the edge of the plate, pour the mixture over, and bake in a quick oven from 20 to 30 minutes.

Miss Loveys, The Queen Victoria Nursing Institution. Bath Road.

Vicarage Pudding
0.25 lb. flour. 0.25 lb. raisins.
0.25 lb. currants. 0.5 teaspoonful ground ginger.
1 tablespoonful moist sugar. 0.5 saltspoonful salt.
0.25 lb. chopped suet.

Mode. Put all the ingredients into a basin, having previously stoned the raisins, and washed, picked, and dried the currants. Mix well with a clean knife, dip the pudding cloth into boiling water, wring it out, and put in the mixture. Have ready a saucepan of boiling water, plunge in the pudding, and boil for 3 hours. Turn it out on a dish and serve with sifted sugar. Time - 3 hours. Average cost - 7d. Sufficient to serve five or six persons.

Mrs. A.J. Guy, Molineux Hotel.

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