Mr. Parker’s
Works. A Description by Mr. Oddie
The Ballarat Star.
Friday, 18th April, 1890
After the dinner at Blackpool, Mr. Parker visited me, and
cordially invited me to see his extensive works at
Wolverhampton, an invitation I was not slow to avail myself of.
This was the keynote of the best friendship I made in England. I
went shortly afterwards and stayed several days, visiting the
works daily, as Mr. Parker gave me the run of the whole works.
There I ordered the installation of a 60 light dynamo, with a 28
cell storage battery and paraphernalia, now doing duty at the
Observatory. I subsequently visited the works frequently,
sometimes for a week at a time, and I regard it as the brightest
spot in my English constellation. Mr. Parker started his works
in 1880, with one man beside himself. He never had a single
day’s instruction in electricity in his life; now he daily
instructs between 300 and 400 employees, who worship him as a
father. He is said to be now the most practical electrical
engineer and mechanist in Europe. During one of my visits I took
with me an artist, who is painting for me a portrait, 6 feet by
5 feet, of Mr. Parker, surrounded by dynamos, secondary
batteries, measuring instruments etc. Electric tram cars are
going to be a big thing in England. Parker’s Company Limited, is
now, with three other companies, in the hands of the Electric
Construction Company, with Mr. Parker as manager of the lot. The
whole of the works will be taken to Wolverhampton. Before I
left, a tender for £50,000 was accepted for the construction of
new works.
The Julien Car
That was tried in Ballarat and was made by Mr. Parker to the order
of Mr. Pritchard, of Sydney, who merely said he wanted the car,
without giving any plans or specifications; the application of the
system was Mr. Parker’s. I saw the car tried in Wolverhampton in
January, 1888, when it went off without any hitch, and ran for four
hours afterwards. There were a number of electrical experts to
witness the experiment, and all were thoroughly satisfied. Seven
days afterwards it was shipped to Sydney.
This was a tram car, based on Edmond Julien's patents for
storage battery-powered electric traction.
Read a contemporary
newspaper article about the tram trial in Sydney |
Electric Locomotives
Ten months ago I went to a trial of an electric locomotive, made to
the order of the Birmingham Tramway Company (also without plans or
specifications), who were then running steam traction engines, each
weighing 14 tons. Mr. Parker was asked if he could make an electric
locomotive to do the work of the steam engines, and for how much.
His answer was - "yes, for £700 each."
The loco he turned out only weighed 8 tons, and one third the size
of the others. I was the first to get on it and rode into the centre
of Birmingham, where we picked up the members of the corporation and
the chairman and directors of the Tramway Company, and
representatives of the London and provincial press, about 66 in all.
We took the stiffest hill along the route, a grade of 1 in 17 and
surmounted it without the slightest difficulty.
At a dinner held at a sub-station four miles out, the chairman of the
company delivered a grand oration, in which he pronounced the thing
a great success. He introduced the company to Mr. Parker, at whom a
perfect volley of questions were hurled, and all were answered as
promptly. That locomotive has been running on the streets ever
since, alongside one of the steam engines, for purpose of
observation. The company have decided on a car after the Julien
system (as they prefer the storage under the seats to the locomotive
and car), combined with the other two patents. The motor is fixed on
a bogey in front of the carriage. Of these they have ordered 12. No
difficulty is experienced in turning corners, the bogey principle
obviating that.
A Boom in Electricity
I received a copy of "The Star" with a report of the discussion by
the Mechanics’ Institute committee with reference to the electric
light, and showed it to Mr. Parker. He was much interested seeing
that I had described Ballarat to him, and he was not altogether
unacquainted with the probable needs of the institute. One fact he
mentioned that will be interesting to your readers. At present lamps
that cost the manufacturers 8d each are retailed at 5s, owing to the
patent rights. In 4½ years those rights will have expired. What will
be the difference in the cost?
The Ballarat Star. Saturday, 19th April, 1890
After nearly four years in England, James Oddie returned to Ballarat
to an enthusiastic reception at Western Station. All the leading
citizens were there to greet him. The party was driven to the City
Hall where he was formally welcomed back. They next went to the
boardroom of the Benevolent Asylum for light refreshments and then
visited the Fine Art Gallery which was built during Mr. Oddie’s
absence. After inspecting the smaller gallery the party proceeded to
the boardroom for light refreshments. A toast was given to Mr. Oddie
and in his reply he confirmed that the gallery would receive the
£10,000 that he had already promised. He also mentioned Philip
Horseman when he said that “In the small town of Wolverhampton a man
arrived some years ago with his carpenter’s tools on his back, and
he had just left to the town a building worth £30,000. They did not
want man to die before making these gifts, but to experience the
pleasure of giving while they were alive”.
The Ballarat Star. Wednesday, 23rd April, 1890
Mr. James Oddie was last night entertained by the citizens of
Ballarat, at a banquet at the City Hall. In a speech he said the
following: “Electricity too, was coming to the front, and in a
thousand different ways going to administer to our wants. One of the
leading authorities in England foresaw by it a distribution of
motive power as well as of light amongst the homes of the workmen.
Then, too, they would have tramways run by electricity all over the
country. In about 6 weeks time Captain Baker would probably be able
to show them at the Observatory, illustrations of six different
styles of traction by means of electricity… In two years time he
believed they would have the trams in Ballarat run by electricity –
perhaps they might have a chance in six months”.
The Daylesford Advocate. Thursday, 27th August, 1891
Lecture on Electricity
On Tuesday evening the large lecture room in the Daylesford School
of Mines was packed with an audience to hear Mr. James Oddie of
Ballarat talk on the subject of “Electricity: Its harmony and
contrast with other economic forces of nature, and its modern
applied development.”
He talked about electric lighting and electric trains and trams, and
he spoke of his recent visit to England:
When he visited Blackpool in Lancashire, he saw the only practical
railway in Britain, by means of which 950,000 people had been
carried on two miles of railway run by electricity. In Birmingham
last year a dozen electric cars had taken the place of a dozen steam
engines, and these were worked by storage batteries, which were
composed of cells 10 x 12 x 15 inches deep. These were charged with
current and when once charged would run for a distance of 40 miles
without further attention.
To travel on such a line was a pleasure, as there was no smoke, and
no smell, and everything ran smoothly and pleasant. He saw a tram
tried through the streets of Wolverhampton, and it went off at the
rate of 15 miles an hour without any difficulty whatever. He saw an
electric locomotive in Birmingham, and it worked so well that it
supplanted the ugly steam engine, which weighed 14 tons, its place
being taken by the eight ton locomotive.
By means of a magic lantern view, the lecturer then exhibited
pictures. The first was a likeness of Mr. Parker, the electrical
engineer of Wolverhampton. It was sent out to Ballarat only about
four months ago. The lecturer explained that Mr. Parker was the
great electrician of Europe. He started from a foundry, and by his
own intuitive intelligence, learned the science of electricity. In
the picture were also shown dynamos, manufactured and patented by
him. The construction, use etc. of the transformers and
galvanometers for measuring quantity were pointed out and explained.
The next view on the screen was an electric car running on an
electric tram at Blackpool, in Lancashire. The distance it ran was
two miles, for which 2d was charged, while at certain times of the
year the fare was only 1d. Other slides included a view of the
undertaking to light Oxford, for which 10,000 volts were used at the
Note: The painting of Mr. Parker that was
exhibited at Wolverhampton Art Gallery, was transported to Australia
and hung in the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery. It has since disappeared,
they have no knowledge of its whereabouts.
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