Listed Buildings

Are buildings or structures that are included in the “Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest”, which is compiled by the Secretary of State. Items in the list are considered to be of national importance and are protected against inappropriate alteration or demolition.  

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport, or DCMS is responsible listed buildings under the terms of the 1990 Act, which provides specific protection for them. The Government is in the course of reviewing the national listing procedure and is proposing amongst other things to give it entirely to a revamped English Heritage.

Locally Listed Buildings

Many buildings in the City do not meet the national criteria for inclusion in the statutory list and are still worthy of protection and conservation in their own right. The Council has compiled a list of these buildings in order to provide a measure of protection. We must thank Sue Whitehouse, the Council's Conservation Officer for her help in producing this section.

Notes on listed buildings
How to propose a building
for local listing

To view Wolverhampton's listed buildings, either select an area on the map below, or select a street name from the A to Z index at the bottom, or select Canals and Railways. For simplicity both locally and nationally listed buildings are in the same menu. When a building is selected, the type of listing is mentioned in the heading. "Wolverhampton's Listed Buildings" refers to a nationally listed building whereas "Wolverhampton's Locally Listed Buildings" refers to a locally listed building.

Canals and Railways

Select a street name from the A to Z index:

List of street names for each letter:

A fine sunny morning in Lichfield Street in the early years of the 20th century, showing three listed buildings; Barclays Bank on the extreme left, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, and the Royal London Building. The photograph was taken before the building of the Midland Bank in 1910.